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Outlaw mod Request


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I would like to request an outlaw mod.

every body got bounty on theres head (the players). why no body trying to hunt the player down much more often and bring him to jail by knowing down the player and throw on him some hunt web or stuff like that ?

it will be great if bounty hunters, mercenaries and assassins will try to catch the player and bring him for justice.

the couriers can put some wanted posters on the city walls and publish it in the taverns.

To avoid the city guards the player should go in hooded armor or something like that in the city streets. Could be cool

i would like to get some mod like this with much more options of chasing the player until he will pay the crime he did :devil: and need to re-spawn the city guards more often.. :confused:


If mod like that already exist i will be grateful


Thanks for cooperation






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