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Changing the bonus SPECIAL gives


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Hi. I was wondering if it is possible with the creation kit to change how much bonus the different special stats give. For example, how do I change how much bonus a point in charisma gives to speach checks? That kind of changes is what Im looking for. So hopefully someone knows how I can do that. Thx

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Hi. I was wondering if it is possible with the creation kit to change how much bonus the different special stats give. For example, how do I change how much bonus a point in charisma gives to speach checks? That kind of changes is what Im looking for. So hopefully someone knows how I can do that. Thx


S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Actor Values are hardcoded so I'm not sure.. As for the speech check, the engine calculates the speech success based on Charisma and some Game Settings (like iSpeechChallengeDifficultyAverage [GMST:0001A248]).

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