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A more Realistic System For Radiation Suits. With Dynamic Resistances


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so far from what i have seen there only mods for radiation suits change the resistance ratings and the only way to avoid radiation poisoning is to set it at 100%


i am looking for something that is realistic.


basically a radiation suit always allows at least 1 Rad per second to bleed through. which is beyond BS. realistically radiation suits have a threshold where they will protect 100% up to a certain rad level at which point the bleed-through actually starts.


i am looking for a mod that dynamically changes the rad resistances for radiation suits and power armor based on a rad threshold combined with item damage.


for example a radiation suit with a threshold of 1 will provide 100% resistance in areas of 1 rads. if the player moves into an area that is 2+ rads the resistance will change to normal allowing normal bleed through.


currently there is really no point to the radiation suits as they cannot adequately protect against low level background radiation


lastly item damage will effect the threshold and resistances. lets say at 75% the resistance starts dropping and at 50% the threshold becomes 0 rads due to the holes in the suit

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