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Combat Armor Request


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I've been looking for a light (non powered) combat armor for quite some time and most of the files I remembered from way back when are now gone.


I did find a lot of good armors out there like the Bornagain Combat Armor mod they came close. I'm looking for a full body armor, gloves, helmet, and optinal resperator mask that gives water breathing ability and raditation resistence.


Black, maybe some lights here an there. Maybe some PN Visor effects like Night Vision


It donesn't have to be big and clonky, it can be crafted, earned in a quest, or simply found in the deathclaw Alpha Female's nest at quary junction.


I would be grateful for any thoughts about this. Thank you for your time.

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I'm still not sure what exactly you're looking for that hasn't already been covered by other mods. What exactly were the issues that you had with other armor mods that prevented them from being near perfect for your wants? I.e what about those armors that only made them "come close" but not actually hit the nail on the head?

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Hey thank you for taking the time to reply dangman4ever


Most of the mods had the color that I was looking for as well as the full body coverage. However they still had some things on them that to me are unescessary like the rings on the Mark 2 combat armor or the black and yellow caution tape. It looks good its just not for me. DC Ranger Arenal armor mod was okay but a bit too clunky to me for a non powered armor mod. I use the XV Sharl Armor for my power armor so when I'm looking for a light combat armor I want it to mimic my power amor just a bit when it comes to looks hence the little lights here and there but I can do without those if the mod author is kind enough to throw them in there then awesome but if they have other ideas then that's cool too.


I'm looking for something sleek, light, and yet durable and tough bordering on futuristic maybe. I also feel that a full breathing mask should also work with radation reistance, poision resistance, and help with breathing underwater as well as provide an extra level of protection.


All the mods out there are great mods don't get me wrong people but a lot of time and effort into making them and for that I am greatful that they take the time to do that and share it and I encourage those people to keep on modding and doing what they love and how they want it. In the meantime I'll just wait patiently until a mod shows up that will have what I'm looking for.

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Ok let's try another way: Please list out what mods came out closest to your ideal armor and what was it that made them not-perfect for you. I'm asking you this since this will give me a better idea of what you want. Not to mention that if those armor mods have open permissions, I can freely mod those armors to fit your exact needs and then give the mod to you.


So please list what armor mods came closest to perfection for you and what was it that made them not 100% perfect. Links would be nice but proper spelling of the armor mod would work as well.

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OH my apologies. I really thank you for your time, paitence, and hospitality to look into this matter.


Well I narrowed it down to one. This one: http://newvegas.nexu...s, arms, hands.




There is a problem that I keep running into with the texture between the legs is there is a single black line that seems to appear when you're running or swimming. I did all the archive invailidation and checked to make sure i had the textures in the correct path.


The second thing is that they eyes are red (I"d like them to be blue) and the helmet lacks night vision. It has thermal which is neat but no NV mode


Bornagain Combat Armor: http://newvegas.nexu...m/mods/48068//?


Bornagain Combat Armor MK1:http://newvegas.nexu...m/mods/40367//?


DC Ranger Arsenal Mod (I really like the wolf patch ... love to have berret with that on it): http://newvegas.nexu...m/mods/47633//?



Once again thank you for your time, patience, and hospitality to look into this.


Here's the power armor that I use (picture is the link) which what I was talking about earlier with the ligths on the light armor just for looks.



Edited by Skyviper086
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See, If you can get permission from prometheus_ts for me to use and port his mod to FNV. Link him to this thread if you want. Once you get permission from prometheus_ts, ask for apixaez for permission to use his textures and note that you have obtained permission from prometheus_ts to modify that armor for FNV. After that, I can go and do the second things you listed and see if I can fix that texture issue.

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Prometheus gave written consent and asked to insert credits.




apixaez gave written consent to use his texture. Please insert credits.


Once again you dangman4ever for taking the time to do this. And a huge thanks to Promethus and apixaez for allowing this to happen thank you all.

Edited by Skyviper086
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