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A More 3D Thatch Roof


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There was one thing that I REALLY loved in the Riverwood showcase video for Unreal Engine 5 and that was the 3D thatch roofs shown in the video and I thought to myself that, at least for the roofs, it wouldn't take too many polies to make a slightly 3D roof kind of similar to the ones show. A few offset v shaped planes to give it some variance. A decent thatch looking texture with opacity. A couple different planes made for large patches of moss, and underneath would still have the base texture to fill in the gaps and keep it blended. It just seems like something like that may be able to be achieved without to much if barely any performance hit. It doesn't have to be to the awesomeness scale of that, just something to make the roofs look less flat besides just using parallax

Reference video to what I am talking about

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