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Is there a way to make one portrait sheet for a NPC that changes to another one after a specific event happens?


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Sorry for the long title. So here is what I want to do. I want to make a portrait mod where Shane's all messed up before you trigger his "getting better" event. After that, I'd like to use another portrait sheet where he's a little brighter and without Joja's uniform.


I also wanna do that for other situations, but before actually putting too much effort into this, I need to know if that is possible - and if that's something I'd be able to do. I'm newbie on modding and I couldn't find an existing topic for this (maybe I just don't know how to search for it). I appreciate your help!! Thank you.


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OMG, thank you so so much!


You can make CP patches that use the When Command.

Basically, something like this:

        "Action": "EditImage",
        "Target": "Portraits/<NPC>",
        "FromFile": <new image>,
        "When": {
          "HasSeenEvent": <EventID>

Should be something similar to this.

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