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Dual Weapon Wielding


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Possible but extremely hard to do. I think there was someone working on that very mod but the user got banned from the Nexus and that modder pretty much stopped work on that mod.

The guy didn't get banned. It's dual guns just not possible without editing the game engine. Dual 1 handed melee is possible.


You could try this mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/49129/?

didn't work for me but you might have more luck.

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Ahh my mistake.


Possible but extremely hard to do. I think there was someone working on that very mod but the user got banned from the Nexus and that modder pretty much stopped work on that mod.

The guy didn't get banned. It's dual guns just not possible without editing the game engine. Dual 1 handed melee is possible.

You could try this mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/49129/?
didn't work for me but you might have more luck.


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Could you give me some info on how to "dual melee weapon wield" (try saying that 5 times fast), and if I can do it in the GECK? I'm trying to do this for custom NPCs, not myself.

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As I understand it (At least in Fallout 3) there were 8 hardcoded weapon animations (pistol, rifle, 1h melee etc). You can modify those files but you can't add one.


As such, in order to add something like dual hand weapons or a bow or something with proper animations, before you got to the scripting you'd have to lose a type of weapon animation.

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It's not doable in GECK :(


My suggestion would be to add a dummy version of the weapon to the left hand. You'd need to rig it to the skeleton in Blender. It would sort of be like the left hand knuckle-duster/boxing glove added for unarmed weapons.

Not sure how good it would look with the default animations though.

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