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Creation Kit Help


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Hey everyone, this is my first post, so I think its in the right area.
I have also looked through the forums for the same topic, and have been unable to find anything, so I don't think its a repost.
I have tried to create my first Mod using Creation Kit. It is an extra NPC Mod. However, here is my problem. I want the new NPC to wear an armour which is on another Mod, so when I load creation kit, I tick the Mod I'm making and set it to active, and I also tick the armour Mod I want to use. So I put the armour into outfit etc, then equip it to the NPC, then I save it, however when I open Mod in game, the NPC is naked, and when I reopen creation kit, the Mod doesn't load automatically with my new Mod, so its not saving the armour.
Is there a way to fix this?

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