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essential caravans


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on my game theres caravans that walk from the crimson caravan company to novac.

I think its so cool that theres tradeing caravans that you can trade with!:3

but one problem,the legion dosent like me and there assassin's always kill the caravans.TT^TT

and the road gets really lonely...

im wondering if someone could make a mod that makes the caravans merc,trader,and bramin essential?:)

it awesome that theres traders,but it sucks when they get caught in the cross fire of the wastes.>_<

I would be greatful to anyone who makes this mod!:)

thanks for reading this!^-^


from: the lone wolf

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I can make the trader essential, but if I make brahmins and mercs essential it could screw up a lot because they're scattered all over the game. Is that still ok?


EDIT: I could always remove the NCR faction from them if you'd prefer that.

Edited by TheScout201
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thank you so much for reading my mod suggestion and helping me!^-^
ill test it out now!
thank you so mutch!:)

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