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NPC's arent in cell.

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I am 2 clicks away from becoming grandmaster of the morag tong, but i want to finish the webspinner quest first. I started moving from place to place, following the list in my guide, but when i got there, (NEVER having been in that shrine before... EVER.) there were no humans anywhere inside the shrines, be they alive or dead. None... Nowhere.


Any clues as to what is happening here?

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You don't actually say which shrine you are taking about!


It could be that ages ago you killed them all on a quest (Ashalmimilkala for example is used in a couple of quests) and forgotten about it.


If you are on PC you can always add the items you need via the console.

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the ashalmimilkala ones werent there, but i know i killed them.


and it's not one particular shrine, it's, like, every 4 out of 5 has the npcs missing.


according to by list... Evernanit does not contain Talis Veran (and, no, i hadnt been here before!), Anel Rethelas wasnt in his shrine, but i kni i didnt kill him, or if i did, i didnt dispose of the corpse (and didnt even take all the items off it... this is why i think this is strange... i almost NEVER dispose of a corpse, even if i completely empty it of items (another thing i rarely do! i get most of what i need from quests and chests... and every now and then, from stores! I have been using the same set of medium armor since i finished the dissident priests quest... and i am now ready to take on DU... wow...)

Mindeli Saren wasnt in the Yasammidan shrine, The Yansirramuis shrine (which i also hadnt been to before...) had no npcs in it, and unless im mistaken, it's supposed to... and again, no i havent been there before...)


i am more then a little upset over this, since this is the first time i have progressed far enough in the game to become grandmaster, but for the sake of completeness, i want to finish the webspinner quest... could this all have something to do with Severa Magia dying before i was given the quest for her? (I still got credit for finishing the quest, but still...)


Also missing is Thovasi Alen (in assarnatamat...)


i am going down a list, which is slightly inaccurate due to my bad PC crashing halfway thru, so im not sure which ones had gone missing anymore, since i erased my old tick marks that told me which ones i had collected...


Inganar wont appear (anymore... i had him the first time...) in Ularradallaku... and i dont THINK i went there ahead of time... I rarely go anywhere a quest doesnt tell me to... and when i do travel, i fast travel, or levitate so high above the terrain that even cliffracers wont chase me! (sligh exxageration there... not much though...) so i havent been to most of these locations, not even to enter the exterior cell...

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  • 3 weeks later...
I believe that ANY bodies (except the pre-placed ones?) will disappear, along with any items on them. The standard setting is 72 game hours. So, if you kill someone and don't carry something off, drop it outside the body. If you're on PC, there's a command that will spawn a character, I think you can have them appear in whatever cell you're in. (anyone know fer sure?)
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the command to spawn the npc is


placeatpc (NPC_ID) 1,1,1


if you know the names of the pcs that're supposed to be in there, just pop open the tes:cs, load morrowind.esm, go to the npc tab, sort by name, and voila. copy down the corresponding npc id.


then use "ra" to put him where he belongs (i think this works right if you've spawned them yourself - haven't tried. anyone want to correct me on this?) I guess you just spawn all the characters that belong in a certain cell, then "ra" to set them to where they should be...


i'm not sure what caused your problem in the first place. I suppose a plugin might have deleted them...

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