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I just tried making a ring of summon bonewolf, but when I tried it in the game, it didn't actually come out but it made the noise, also had an (indicator?) at the bottom of the screen.




Why does Lord Vivec make wherwolf noises when I attack him?

Has this ever happeden to anyone elas?

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A new beef: I just found out that the unarmored skill doesn't work unless your character is wearing some armor! My character's shield power doesn't work without armor either! AAARRG!

I have a Breton magic-specialized character that has never used any armor. He uses magicka, unarmoured, and has the Dragon Skin racial power (shield 50 for 60 secs). This hasn't been easy. Basically, anything that has been able to get through his magic and land a good hit kills him. Now I find out that unarmored and shield don't work the way that Bethesda and 99% of the Morrowind websites describe! $%^&*

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When you look at the picture of your charater there should be a number indicating you level of amour, Even when you arn't wearing amour. The hight the level of your unamoured skill dictates your current armour class, if your better at unamoured, wearing anytype of amour would reduce your AC.



You should think of unamoured as your ability to dodge hits, regular amour will absorb hits all the time, but the damage goes up and down, not wearing any amour means that when you do get hit really hard of cours it does cosiderable damage.


Do you mean that when wearing no amour the shield spell doen's work?

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Shield spells and shield power don't work unless my character is wearing at least 1 piece of armor. Try it yourself and see.

Now I've found Morrowind sites saying that the unarmored skill doesn't work either unless the character is wearing at least 1 piece of armor. I need a way to confirm this with out letting my character die too many more times.

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there should be a number indicating you level of amour,


Well, of course the more in love you are the less damage you will be able to do to your opponent! :lol:


Sorry, Ninja, I couldn't resist that! :innocent:

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I just tried making a ring of summon bonewolf, but when I tried it in the game, it didn't actually come out but it made the noise, also had an (indicator?) at the bottom of the screen.


I don't know why, but some of the summons never work, bonewolf is one of then. And those iron creatures in mournhold (don't remember the name) dosen't work either.

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Yes I tried the Venimus Fabricants for CE summoning and they didn't work, does anyone know a reason/conflict for this?

A good single pice of armour I think would be cool, would be like the paldren, they look cool with robes and some have some good enchanting power (Ebony, Deadric paldrens. )


Also, I'm not quite sure what you mean Malchik, lol sounds funny though.

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