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Mantis Warrior Kit

dragon awakened

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I'm going to try my luck once again with a humble request for a suit of armor and an accompanying weapon to that armor. I understand that what I'm going to ask for may be a bit OP (I do not think by much) but it is sort of a character signature armor that I intend to use from the beginning of the game to the end.


To start off the armor is requested to be a recolored suit of NCR Ranger patrol armor with the NCR faction tag removed. The armor itself is requested to be the same shade of green as the mantises in game while all the clothing aspects of the armor are to be black or if it can be done black and mantis green tiger striped.


Requested armor statistics

DT: 38

Item HP: 2000 or better (I want it to last a long time before I have to repair it)

Effects: +5 unarmed damage, +10 unarmed skill, +10 stealth, +40 AP

Weight: 20

Repair: Any combat armor, any NCR Armor

Faction: Neutral


The requested weapon


Mantis Knuckles (Spiked Knuckles dyed green), I will explain this a bit more shortly

I would like the statistics to match that of the Unique spiked knuckles Love and Hate.


The reason for the knuckles is that technically they are built into the gloves of the armor. This is why I'm requesting the additional +5 to unarmed damage in the armor.


Once again I understand that what I'm looking for is a bit far fetched and OP but it will be the only armor that is used by my character throughout the game. Before anybody comes up with the age old line of "do it yourself" my system cannot handle the geck so I 'm stuck asking for help and hoping someone will take the time to help me out.


If you would like to discuss this feel free to post here or PM me.


I sincerely thank you for the time you took to read this.

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