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How do you install FOOK, WME, and EVE together?


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The game works fine running with one of them but it can't even start with 2 of them installed. I don't know what is wrong. I have compatibility files; Is there an order to install them or am I missing something important ? I do have nvse_2_beta12 so I don't think it's that. Those are the only 3 mods I have, so it's an issue of what have I done wrong here not whats incompatible with what.

Edited by Combine99
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it now seems that BOSS is confused here's what I mean:

  • WME - DLCs.esp Active
    • Requires: DeadMoney.esm, HonestHearts.esm, OldWorldBlues.esm, LonesomeRoad.esm, Weapon Mod Expansion.esm and WME - DLCs.esm
    • Incompatible with: WME - Dead Money.esp, WME - Honest Hearts.esp, WME - Old World Blues.esp, WME - DLCs Arenovalis.esp
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it now seems that BOSS is confused here's what I mean:

  • WME - DLCs.esp Active
    • Requires: DeadMoney.esm, HonestHearts.esm, OldWorldBlues.esm, LonesomeRoad.esm, Weapon Mod Expansion.esm and WME - DLCs.esm
    • Incompatible with: WME - Dead Money.esp, WME - Honest Hearts.esp, WME - Old World Blues.esp, WME - DLCs Arenovalis.esp


WME - DLCs.esp combines all DLC patches into a single file. The individual DLC patches are therefore redundant and should not be used.


Your CTDs are almost certainly because there are missing ESPs/ESMs that are required by some of the files you are loading. I don't use BOSS, so I'm not sure whether it alerts you which files are missing. FNVEdit, however, does, so consider using it, as well.


As for compatibility issues between the three mods - there probably are. Your best bet is to visit each mod's Nexus page and read about known conflicts/compatibility issues, and how they may be solved (most likely with patches).

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I only ever used the DLCs.esp Iv'e never actually downloaded the individual patch fies. I also have the compatibility patches for the 3 mods just not sure which do use.

I've got WMEVE and WME-FOOK (from WME) and EVE FOOK WME (from EVE).




  • WMEVE.esp Active
    • Requires: Weapon Mod Expansion.esm, EVE FNV.esp


Those files are present and above WMEVE. BOSS will usually only mention them is they aren't there, so whats the deal?


Update Update


I've made a little progress I think and it seems that WME is the problem as FOOK and EVE seem to work together ( well at least I can get to the menu )

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I don't want to open a new thread so I ask here since my question is similar.


In what order do I install:

- Project Nevada

- Project Nevada DLC

- Project Nevada Extra Options

- NVEC Complete + NVCE

- NVEC Patches

- MTUI-34902


I am doing manual installation since I have some errors with FOMM.


Currently, the game with mods installed as listed is working, but I have some textures missing (for example laser pistol) and I want to reinstall it.

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The order, in this case, doesn't matter. Just install Project Nevada after MTUI.


If FOMM gives you trouble, you should try NMM. It is important that you use a mod manager, with Archive Invalidation enabled (if you don't, there may be issues, such as missing textures).

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