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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Nathan shrugged as the woman approached, he honestly didn't care about anyone territory. To him the entire city belonged to him, every alleyway and rooftop was owned by the City Gangrel, He looked her in the eyes, not showing any fear despite her attempts to intimidate him. The dead mortals in the alley meant even less. He thought back to earlier and realized why he had left the body behind.


"I was blood-drunk... I had not fed in several weeks." He said with a slight smirk, he readied an obfuscate and his claws in case he had to take off quickly, this Follower Of Set did not look like an easy opponent and he could smell her hatred of his clan, her weak Ghoul seemed more confused then useful.


He sniffed the air and smiled shrewdly, "He's a recent ghoul..." He said with a nod towards Tom. "I am guessing he is not a willing one." He added as he began to walk in a circle with her, moving slowly and with purpose, like a shark waiting for the right time to strike.

Edited by Macman253
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Frank's face shriveled in disgust, both at the fact he was in the arms of a hairy beast, and that said beast was in cahoots with ol' nasty over there!


He spoke only in a soft whisper to the gangrel who held him, "I won't give you it. He told me to get it, and I'm not letting you give it to Mr. Boogernose there," he pointed to Graham, "I know you're working together, and I won't let you touch it!"


With that he gave the gangrel what is most commonly referred to as the 'evil eye', hoping to temporarily confuse him, or even push him to the brink of insanity for a short period of time. Though it was entirely possible his ability could simply push him into an uncontrollable rage...

Edited by nethgros
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Yasmina, not one to allow herself to be cornered, circled along with this fool of a Gangrel, her heels giving a definitive click with every step.


"That doesn't matter. My ghoul has nothing to do with the...massive...amount of trouble you are in," she said, her voice beginning to hiss, "And your answer is a mere excuse."


Her lip curled in disgust, "Look at you...traipsing around here as if you own the place. Perhaps you think you do...your incredibly stupid actions certainly suggest it. But I know that the Prince would beg to differ, and likely will when we drag you back to his feet. Throw your pitiful 'blood-drunk' answer at him and see how he responds. You've risked the lives of every Kindred in this city, and every moment you exist is only because the Prince allows it."

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Jack glared at the mad Kindred. "Say goodnight crazy." He said as his reared his fist back, before he could deliver a blow however his cell began to ring. Deciding it held priority he answered it instead of punching the body stealing vampire. "Let the Malk go kid." Edison's voice came from the phone. "He's gonna take care of the body for us."

Jack raised a brow at the Sheriffs' order. "Arrrrrre you sure?"

"Positive." Edison said before hanging up.

"Ooookay." Jack said, putting the phone away and letting Frank go.

Without giving an apology he turned his attention back to Nathan and Yasmina. "Would ya cut the circling crap dude? It's annoying and stupid." Jack grumbled. "If you're gonna jump her then do it now and get it over with, otherwise sit down."

He then pointed to Graham. "Now you, Start talking, what'd you find here?"

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Gets right to it, doesn't he? Graham thought, eyebrows raised at Jack's directness, but didn't waste any more time than necessary and began sharing what he'd found. "Well, then, since she is dealing with our rogue kin, here's what I've got." The Nosferatu pulled out a small jump drive and the sample of vampire blood. "Here," he said, handing the jump drive over, "is a copy of the security footage from the cameras here before I wiped them. I figured Edison would be interested in having this, since the cameras managed to catch everything that our unknown trouble-maker did."


"Unfortunately, the only details of the one responsible are minor; the cameras didn't get a clear view of the face, only generic physical details such as body shape and such, though I have my suspicions." Graham glanced over at Nathan, letting Jack know what his 'suspicions' were before continuing. "Luckily, I managed to collect a fresh sample of vampire blood." He gave Jack the blood sample. "Seems the guy was shot before draining one of the humans here. Should be pure enough to serve as proof. And that's everything. The cameras are successfully wiped, the bodies" he looked over at the burnt remains, "sufficiently marred to disguise their true demise, all of the blood destroyed, and enough evidence here that should suit the Sheriff."

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Sasha grinned, letting out a little laugh of amusement. She was enjoying this. lifting glasses to wipe her eye. "Oh that's cute, it really is." Pausing for a moment to take in the situation a little more, placing a well manicured hand upon the protrusive bone of her hip. "Us? too many. Them? more than enough, at least, there were until a few years back- My mistress tells me that there is roughly one of them to every hundred thousand of us worldwide, but you can't be sure."


Sighing, she decided she'd give Tom a brief crash course. "The one with the mohawk? He's a Malkavian, utterly mad their blood has driven them insane. The ruffian next to me and the pair of louts over there are Gangrel, closest to animals out of all the Kindred. The one dressed up in black, looking all creepy, he's a Nosferatu... I've never seen one quite so attractive, usually they are human nightmares incarnate, dwell in the sewers from what I've heard. My mistress is a Toreador, the artists, the beauties and the hedonist... but as I said, live long enough and your mistress might just give you a proper lesson- Do give her the regards of Miss Barenchekov would you?"


With that, Sasha turned, stepping into the Mercedes once more, she was gone from the scene as fast as she had arrived- She had enough grit to give to Ameline, but her mistress was not overly fond of the gory details and tiresome fighting that was now occurring.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Chris left his apartment shortly after he finished reading the news about the explosion. He had one more appointment, a very important appointment. Before getting into the car he looked around suspiciously. There was a dark alleyway right around the corner and with the recent Kindred murders it seemed even darker and dangerous.


Chris got out of the car and looked at the building, Barenchekov Theatre. He's been here before so finding the place was easy. He got past the security guards and stepped inside. Last time he's been here it was on a less formal occasion. He looked around trying to spot Ameline or anyone that might be people working for her but mostly everyone looked like guests. He recognized some people, some were Kindred accompanied by their ghouls or other Kindred. Chris never had a ghoul himself, never needed one but now a ghoul would be useful.


"Now to find the Primogen." He said to himself.

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While the drama continued groundlevel, a perticular indevidual had set up camp within the dark recesses of an adiquately positioned rented room. The lights turned off, bathing the room itself and the area beyond in darkness. A figure sat concealed at the window, a bright blue-green eye staring down the scope of a sniper rifle which had been propped up against a surface within the building.

"That's a lot of bloodsuckers" a woman's voice remarked with a harsh edge of disgust, the owner of said voice straightening her head some, flicking some red hair out from her vision, opening her other eye momentarily, her now mottled gaze sweeping over the streets as she lowered her head again to look through the scope again.


"I told you there's a lot of activity in this area. But you guys don't tend to listen to me much now do you." Rang a male voice in her ear through a bluetooth headset which ran through her own secure private line.


"Shut up Yew." The woman said in an obviously softer tone."

"You sure you're. Uhm. Well. Ready for this? Cause, last time I checked you don't really agree mu-"

"Shut the ***** up."

"..... Yes ma'm." There was a pause from the other end before Yew started up gain. "So, what we looking at?"


"He's got a lot of company." The woman remarked, slowly shifting the sniper rifle to look to different indeviduals which surrounded her target. "Looks like we have ghouls an ugly-a** F****er, gangrel-"

"Yeah uh no I'll stop you there." Yew said from the other end. "-not- smart going all in there. What the hell happned anyway??"


"For them to get this kind of response, obviously some kind of coverup. Probably, oh I don't know. Some careless guy. Or a frenzied. -either way the a******* f***** up and are now trying to cover it all up."

Yew paused a bit before speaking again, "well. Okay so, what's the plan?"

"You got that address?" The woman's voice sounded almost doubled over at this point, having a slight eccho to it.

Mildly disturbed, Yew took a moment to respond, "yep. Yeah. Uh. So you're going to go there and wait for him?? What if he's got, or. Brings home guests?"

"He's not the type to do that."

"Guess you'd be the one to know that by now?"

She chuckled some, "I guess so."


"Either way Kaye you should probably get your ass out of there before he, or, one of the others sniff you out."


"Mmhm" she said, though, diddn't really seem to heed his words, still staring down the scope at one perticular member of the grouping.

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"Sorry, I'll tell you next time I get hungry!" Ivy flashed an embarrassed but perky grin at Harper, "I'll leave you to it and try to draw my own bath now!"

She then made a small hmph and nodded, throwing a salute at Harper and Edison as she marched out of the room and down the hall to the nearest bathroom, which happened to be hers, her stuffed lion flopping in her right hand with each step.

As she reached the bathroom, she turned the handle slowly, acting as if there could be something on the other end of the door. "There's a shark in there, Courage, and we've got to dive in and slay it."

The medium-sized bathroom was stark-white and elegant in decor, with an old-fashioned claw-footed porcelain bathtub against the back wall. Ivy went for the closet and pulled one of the uniform white towels off the bottom shelf, the only one she could reach. As she drew the bath, she did not shirk from tying the towel around her shoulders and running around the room while exclaiming, "I am the night!"

Removing her sundress, Ivy slid into the warm water and took a sharp breath, pretending the extreme heat of the steaming water bothered her. She plunged her stuffed lion under the water and grabbed the nearest bottle of body wash. After a while, she and the lion both were clean and she was soaking in bubbly water that tasted of soap. Being a child, she took this opportunity to play in the suds as much as possible before she grew bored of it.

Ivy dried herself off not long afterward and dressed in a clean nightgown pulled from a drawer next to the sink. She then brushed her teeth, frowning at the minty taste of toothpaste in the back of her mouth. The girl then wrung out her stuffed toy as best she could and walked back to her room.

She crawled into bed, not feeling very tired, and stared at the ceiling, bored. She dozed off soon afterward.

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Nathan smiled and stopped circling. He approached and bowed very courtly to Yasmina in a mocking form of politeness.


"I would rather get this over with, I surrender to the Prince's authority." He said with a slight smile as he presented his hands to be bound as he was sure they would prefer them to be. He forced back the beast within and his claws sunk back into his fingers and formed fingernails once again.


"Oh- and sorry for the mess." He added with a sly smirk.

Edited by Macman253
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