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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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"Nathaniel....Wright." Charles Harper said with a smile as Nathan approached. "There's stupid.. And then there's you. Proof of divine intervention if ever there was any. How else would one explain you surviving this long with your intelligence?" He said as he walked over to his desk. "And for the record Mister Wright, if you ever feign ignorance about my position again I'll have you executed in the most painful way I can think of." He said with an unwavering smile. "You've know of my position since the day I took it, after all you and the rest of the Kindred in London have been attending our monthly gatherings in accordance to our laws. Imply that you haven't and I'll have you executed here and now. So do us both a favor and kindly drop the rebellious act if you could, it has little place in our world." He said in a tone that was more like chastising a school boy for being late than threatening someone with death.

"Now then." He clapped together his hands. "Why don't you go ahead and.. Regale us with your reasons for your moronic behavior tonight?"


Meanwhile Edison moved over to the others. "So did he put up a fight or what?"

"Nah, gave himself up." Jack replied.

"Probably the smartest thing he's done since he was turned." Edison grumbled.

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After greeting the Primogen in the same manner, he followed her as he looked around the room.


"Yes... I've noticed that as I entered." Chris said with the hint of shock in his voice as he took a seat. And indeed the undecorated walls was the first thing he noticed upon entering the room. Even with all the other furniture Ameline's personal quarters looked really empty to him. Too empty.


Chris looked around the room while listening to her talking. He had several ideas for a new painting already. He wasn't really nervous about the fact that the woman sitting across him was the Primogen of his clan, in fact her status was the least of his concerns right now.


"I am truly honored, my lady, that you wish a painting of mine to be at the forefront of your collection," he said as he looked back at Ameline, "and I will create the piece worthy of such place."


Chris leaned back a little in his seat and smiled a little. "I must add that you have turned this theatre into the most marvelous home in the entire London, if not United Kingdom as well."

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Nathaniel nodded. He now felt what it was like for one of those kids in primary school that he was not able to attend. He got the Princes point but despite the mans threats he never broke eye contact, never showing fear or doubt. Some would call it stupid but he called it respectful. He thought for a long moment, the truth was not enough and he knew a lie would be smelled like a fart in a car so he decided to tell the truth.


"I had not fed in weeks... the beast took over, I was blood-drunk." He said calmly and truthfully. "See unlike you highborn's and your pet Hound most of us don't have regular forms of feeding. Were lucky if we get a human." He said with a tone of discontent, he was tired of scratching around the subways and rooftops for the opportunity to take a meal.


"I don't have territory so I have to hunt on others." He added as he glanced to Yasmina and then returned his gaze to the Prince.

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Ameline smiled to Chris's words, another sparkling grin as she noticed his nervousness. His compliment about her living quarters pleased her, although she could see his shock at the lack of artwork; Toreador's own Primogen, councillor who represented the clan in important meetings, drove it on in it's intended direction, and upheld it's laws, did not possess a gallery fit to rival that of the Louvre?

True for her current accommodation, Ameline's last, in Paris, was much more in keeping with what one would expect of one who represented the Toreador.

However, the word home was something she was slack to use. This place was but a piece of her home, brought to the United Kingdom. She had something of a sentimental spot in her unbeating heart for Russia, and her family Manor there. But that was merely a musing, not something to bore this shining young Toreador with.

"Your lady? Please, call me Ameline." She said as she watched him recline into his seat, his nerves seeming to calm a little as he did so. "Tiresome formalities are reserved for the neonates, and those whom displease me. But you I like."

To his remark regarding her home she replied "You think so? High praise coming from one with an eye for beauty as keen as yours, I was worried you would scrunch your nose at the grandiose of it, we must adapt with the times afterall, but I do so enjoy clinging on to pieces of the past."

She clicker her fingers, expecting Sasha to come running, but then remembered she had sent her Ghoul on errands. With a small sigh she rose to her feet and made her way to a table that sat before one of the windows, pouring from an ornate pitcher a crimson stream of thick, chilled liquid.

Handing a glass to Chris delicately and keeping one for herself, she smiled. "I cannot wait to see what you produce."

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After placing the last of the charred corpses in the bus, something clicked in Frank. He pulled up the hood of his Batman hoodie and raced off the bus toward where the others had just taken the man who had killed those innocent people.


He sprinted through the door and directly toward the rogue gangrel while speaking in a low gravelly voice, "I'm not letting you get away..."


He leaped into the air and raised a fist to strike the criminal before finishing his words, "WITHOUT JUSTICE!"

Edited by nethgros
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Harper couldn't help but laugh at Nathan's explanation. This man truly was too stupid to leave alive. "Weeks.... without feeding." He laughed. "You obviously weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. Weeks.. Mister Wright, are seven day periods. You can count to seven yes? One two three four five six seven, one day.. Is a twenty four hour period, From the time you wake up, to the next time you awaken is a day, not a week. Now, with that in mind, mister Edison how many days can you go without feeding?"

"About three if I don't do anything strenuous." Edison replied with a smirk.


"Three days." Harper repeated. "I can tell you without a doubt that mister Edison is far more powerful a Kindred than you can hope to be with your intellect. So I have no doubt that he can go longer without feeding than you can. So there's strike one." He said as he strolled around his office at a leisurely pace.

"Strike two... We have video evidence and we can plainly see that, you're in complete control. You even picked up a gun and handed it to the man who was being beaten, doesn't exactly sound like the actions of a raging beast now does it?" He asked now turning to face Nathan.

"So.. mister Wright I will ask you one more time, and if you lie to me again I will allow everyone in this room to drain you of every lat drop of blood." He said as he stepped closer to Nathan. "What where you doing on the rooftops... And why did you change direction and head straight to that alley?"


The sudden appearance of the batman hooded figure leaping towards Nathan caught Harper by surprise. The superhero wannabe didn't get too much distance however as Jack activated Celerity, speeding his body up and easily grabbed the man in mid air and jerked him back down to the ground.


"Shoulda let em hit him." Edison said, unfazed by the entire incident. "Relax Batman, you might get a piece of him real soon if he keeps playing stupid." The Sheriff said with a smirk.

Edited by josh900
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Nathan smiled, he was caught. His stance changed, he lost the dumbass routine he had been leading them on with.


"I killed them because I enjoyed it... I like to kill bullies. But I also knew that it would get your attention." He said with a wicked smile.


Nathan ignored the doomed charge aswell as the young girl that fell into the office.


"You have called me a beast.. a fool and a ignorant hound. My father used to tell me, if your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough." He said as he approached the table and tapped his foot on the floor, it was made of wood. That was a blessing to him, it was natural and it made it better if he ever needed to escape.


"I know what your thinking.... regardless of what I say your gonna have me killed because you are a fool. I am a good tracker, an even better killer. Instead of draining me.. employ me." He said with a dark smile, there was no hint of the man that stood before. This man was bloody serious and he wanted them to know it. He prepared to run just incase they said no, which he was praying that they wouldn't. He knew he was in deep trouble.


"Honestly... I came back to the alley because I knew your pack of ass-kissers would be there. It is better to present yourself to judgement then to run and have every kindred in the city hunting you." He added as he moved to the center of the room.

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Graham suppressed his feeling of shock at seeing how young the little girl was. What sick bugger did this?! Noticing how fearful the girl looked at him, which was probably only amplified by his proximity, he knelt down to one knee, trying to make himself less imposing and introduced himself.


"Greetings, little darling," the Nosferatu spoke gently to her, a rare soft smile showing on his face. "My name's Graham Arlington. Don't worry. I don't bite." Wanting to put her more at ease, Graham searched through his pockets looking for an old trinket of his. "Ah, here we are." He pulled a small object, a charm on a short chain with a Celtic Knot pattern on it. He'd often held it to comfort himself back when he was human, but now it seemed like the little girl needed it more.


"Here," he whispered, handing the charm to Ivy. "It's not much, but I've found some comfort in it when I've felt scared. Now," he stood up, returning his attention back to the others as Harper tore into Nathan. "lets see how this turns out."


Curious and incredulous at Nathan's boldness, Graham almost didn't want to see what Harper or Edison did next to the Gangrel. Almost...

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After a time Kaye reached her destination, slowing the bike to a halt at the curb as she turned the bike off, swinging her leg over as she climbed off. Her fingers hooked under the helmet after she unclasped it, pulling it off her head before setting it back down on the bike. She'd chosen a spot a way away from her initial target location, there was no way in hell she'd use the front door as he'd smell her from a mile away.

"Not like that will stop him" She mused to herself with a slight chuckle "might. actually be fun" she said as her lips tightened in to an unfitting smile, looking up to her target location. An apartment on the sixth floor of the building.

"think he'll try the outside access? your guess is as good as mine." She seemed to hold a light chat with herself for a moment before Yew cleared his throat on the other end, apparently still there. Kaye snapped out of it and glanced to the side, "and what's your problem?"

"Nothing. just. thought you should know you're doing it again."

"Am not." She replied in a light tone, yew just decided to keep his mouth shut this time round.


As Kaye approached the building she kept an eye out, "Where's my stuff?"

"Van outback to your left, the back doors are open."

"Alri- are you watching me?"

"Juuuuust looking out for you cousin."


Kaye shook her head some, walking over to a white van which had been left parked on the side of the street, she walked over before opening the back doors, squinting in to the darkned back of the van she reached forward, procuring a large black bag filled to the brim with seemingly lightweight items. she retrieved a secondary bag afterwards, a large gym bag with a strap suited for the shoulder.

Kaye brought the strap up and set it in place, carrying the other black bag under her arm as she moved back to the side entrance to the apartment. she knew he'd be able to smell her no matter what she did now. so, at least. she planned to give him an... interesting. welcome.

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