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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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"Alright... Ameline." Chris said with a warm and at the same time relieved smile. He was unsure how to properly address a representative of the Toreador clan here in London. Thankfully his shock of the lack of paintings in a way saved him.


"Indeed we must," he agreed, "all the better when those pieces of the past are tasteful as well." He chuckled and thanked the Primogen as she handed him the glass. He wasn't exactly hungry at the moment but he deemed it rude to refuse especially since Ameline poured it herself.


"Disobedient ghoul?" He asked.

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Yasmina half-listened to the exchange between the Prince and the Stupid, all the while watching the girl-vampire and Graham. Vampire children were rare, but they existed. Valuable little tools, they were...excellent for manipulation of adults. She wondered why the Prince, of all people, was keeping her. So far as she knew, he wasn't the family type.

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Ameline smiled slightly, shaking her head gently "No no, quite the opposite in fact. She has her moments, but I just remembered she is out performing errands. Obedient when it counts." Ameline replied softly, taking a sip of her chilled red drink. Swirling it around in the glass for a moment, she returned her gaze to Chris.


"Tell me Chris, how do you handle your unlife? Do you have a ghoul of your own? It must be difficult focusing on one's art without servants to attend other needs; And as the nights become far more dangerous with each that passes, I would strongly recommend choosing a suitable candidate for your... protection." At that she leant to the side and rummaged through the debris of papers that remained on the side table next to her, finding the little sheet she was after. Holding it out for Chris between two fingers she smiled again.


"A little list of bodyguards and security people who could fit the bill, should you wish it of course; But please, do not let me keep you with idle chat, feel free to take a look around, get a feel for this place if you so need it. Perhaps my eyes have missed a place for my sovereign piece of art?"




The main door of Harper's office swung open, the force behind it neither violent nor gentle, but purposeful and precise. Much like the figure that stepped forth.


Through the door came a tall figure, modest black heels clicking lightly on the floor, she pushed the door shut with one foot, and stood for a slight moment, glancing over the residing Kindred who had wound up in the prince's office. Thick framed glasses balanced upon her nose, dark, dead eyes flicking slowly from person to person. Her sharp suit was of the finest tailoring, dark pinstripes travelled along her jacket and trousers, the slightest hint of grey offsetting the black. A crisp white shirt sat beneath her jacket, three buttons were left undone, and a silken neck-scarf constricted her throat, tied tightly behind.


In one corner was a finely clad and exotic looking woman, eyes almost glowing with a serpentine quality in the dark as she half watched the prince, and half focused upon those opposite her.


A man clad like a modern priest knelt speaking to a young girl... the latter must have been the little experiment she had heard about. The former had an unsettling quality about him. Nosferatu it seemed... how strange it was one of his kind stood in the Prince's office. And how ironic it was the last Nosferatu she had seen was left dangling from the ceiling in shreds...


Infront of her a bedraggled looking Gangrel was subject to the chastising words of the prince, he had an attitude that was better suited to an Anarch, and they were all dead. Still, she was not here to debate about the fate of some disobedient Kindred.


With a few purposeful steps she stood at the side of Harper's desk, extending her arm she dropped the bound file onto it's surface, it landed relatively silently, but seemed to break the silence that had ensued after the words of the Gangrel requesting employment.


"Apologies for intruding." Her tone had nothing to it other than clarity, and she stood back near the wall to allow Harper to continue in dealing with the man before him, watching with an unblinking stare.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Miss Whitelock," Harper inclined his head to the woman who walked in. "No worries, just a bit of trouble with an attention seeking child that's all." He said turning away from Nathan. "Can take a man out of the wild but you can't take the wild out of the man unfortunately, despite out best intentions." He said with a sigh before looking back to Nathan. "You ask to be used in enforcing our laws, yet you can't be bothered to keep them yourself? I'm sure there's somewhere in your primitive mind that that make perfect sense, but not here in civilization!" He yelled angrily. "We have rules here, laws that we follow or else we're punished, we can't go running around like we're in the middle of a jungle, we have to hide, we have to blend in! You want to be used as a tracker? You're a couple years too late! Your skills are obsolete, we can pinpoint and predict where someone will be with far greater accuracy than your nose can pick them up. You have no talents that I can use, you have no use! All you are is..." And suddenly Harpers' anger all but disappeared.

"An older Gangrel who commands more respect than he should." He said thoughtfully.

He looked over to Edison and a smile started to spread on his face. "Mister Wright.... The Gangrels of this city haven't had any sort of authority for some time now. For your punishment... You're hereby sentenced.. to suffer through boring boardroom meetings and becoming the face of the Gangrel clan for the city of London. You are to be granted the position of Primogen, and shall represent the entirety of the Gangrel clan and aid me in matters pertaining to them."

Harper then held out his hand to shake Nathans'. "Provided of course that you can keep your nose clean from here on out."


Edison scoffed at Harpers' decision and made his way over to Whitelock. "So what'd you find?" He asked her in a less than professional tone.


"What the heeell?" Jack muttered under his breath, the entire situation confusing him. "I don't get paid enough for this."

Harper couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well Jack, maybe if you actually paid more attention and thought things through you'd be Primogen instead." He said with a smile before looking back at Nathan. "So what'll it be?"

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Nathan growled, he was more interested in finding the killers of his pack then playing wet nurse to a pack of city Gangrel. But the Prince left him no choice. He looked into the Prince's eyes and nodded.


"Fine... It's either the Final Death or an eternity in hell." He said with a slight smile as he ran a clawed hand through his white hair. "I would much rather be alive then have my pelt decorating your wall." He said before turning to stand next to the wall with the Nosferatu and the small child, she too was a Gangrel and by his clan's laws she should be left in the wild but apparently she was under the protection of the Prince so he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

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Kaye toiled away, decorating the entirety of the apartment, humming a light tune as she went along. Once she was done she admired her workings, having set up mostly in the dark her 'decorations' lay unseen for the time being. Kaye walked over to lay on the couch of the apartment in wait, looking to the items strewn about on the floor. "Really needs a laundry day" she mused to herself as she stretched out some. Waiting for the owner of said apartment to arrive. "Maybe I should hide.. Nah." She yawned some, setting her head on her arm, eyes lazily moving over to watch the door. "Heeeereeee jackyjackyjacky.... Here boy.." She chuckled to herself, somehow finding her words highly amusing.
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Franks face lost all emotion at the sight of the same shaggy gangrel who had stopped him before here stopping him again. It was quite obvious that he and this beast would not be capable of getting along.


He contemplated several options on just what to do, and decided to return to his bus and figure something out later. But before he left he made a slight probe into Jacks mind to find the location of his haven, an apartment in the city.


He exited the room silently, his face stoic and eyes unblinking. He made his way back to the bus, motioning with his hand for his bus-driving ghoul, Alfred, to close the doors and move the bus onward. He sat down in one of his many bean bag chairs that filled the spots that had once held bus seats as the bus started up and lurched forward, his mind alight with plans and possibilities. Every hero needed a nemesis.




Meanwhile, within moments of the Malkavians departure a rather large fellow burst unceremoniously into the room and his booming voice filled the air soon after,


"Charlie! What's with the explosions? I had to walk all the way here, and you need to tell me what's going on sonny. You know I hate cars; and phones... and pretty much all this sh**."

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Ivy hadn't seen this many vampires in the same place at the same time in her life, and upon having the very vampire who was in trouble stand next to her, it was needless to say she was more than a little freaked out. She edged closer to Graham until she was almost hiding behind him, the Celtic Knot charm clutched tightly in her little hand.

On top of that, all these people bursting in... Ivy felt even more uncomfortable and cramped, even in the spacious office.

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"As we appear to have audience I'll kill two birds with one stone and tell you all." Whitelock replied to Edison, glancing sidelong at the others in the room, mildly shocked at the promotion of this Gangrel to Primogen of his clan, and the arrival of an almost intolerably loud Scotsman, a rather old and venerable Brujah if she recalled correctly.


Leaning over to fetch the file she had dispensed upon Harper's desk, her wrist peeping out from the sleeve of her jacket, momentarily revealing a circular scar that repeated itself on the other side, a little remnant of her time in the torturers chair. Unclasping the brown folder, she walked over to the projector that stood atop a wheeled unit against one of the walls, dragging it to stand level with Harper's desk, she sifted through the file and fished out a paper bag, containing the developed film.


Placing it into the projector's feed, she put the first image into place and switched on the old mechanism, the image flickering to life slowly on the wall behind the desk. Rather than try to hush everyone with words, Whitelock guessed that the image displayed would grab their attention....


And what a gruesome picture it was.


There, dangling from a rope by her legs, was the mutilated corpse of the Nosferatu woman most recently brutalized. Stomach open wide, chest cavity quite literally carved out, and face missing, the still image said what Whitelock did not have to. Standing still for a few moments, and watching each of the Kindred in the room, she paced.


"As you are all aware, London has been plagued by a series of murders recently, last among them this Nosferatu, identified as Kendra... once we were able to find her face. Despite the brutality depicted here, whomever responsible knew exactly what they were doing. Just where to cut , slash and carve. Our victim was first tied by rope to the frame of a large four poster bed in the room above her, then dropped through a make-shift hole to dangle into the living room." Pausing to allow her words to sink in, Whitelock continued.


"From there, the blood rushed to Kendra's head, ensuring that she would remain concious for the wounds inflicted upon her. First, the killer drew open her lower abdomen, slowly proceeding until the blade stopped at her rib cage. The cage was cracked and opened, allowing the killer access to carve out the contents of her chest cavity. Unfortunately for the victim, the killer did not take her heart. It was only after her face was removed, was a blade plunged into the offending organ."


"Now, upon arrival I had assumed a psychopath was responsible, but everything was far too surgically precise to have been carried out by a jittering lunatic. Quite clearly, this execution was meant to bring as much pain and suffering as was possible; Now, from what we know, Kendra was a nobody, a dead beat. Kept herself to herself and did not mingle in the affairs of others- The Sabbat, if responsible, would have made clear that they were coming for her. They made no such announcement, so we may assume for now that our barbaric cousins were not responsible. Whomever is, was most certainly aware of the fact the body would be found. It was, after all, hanging in the front room of Kendra's home."


"We are dealing with an incredibly dangerous force here, someone with a grudge against our kind if it is that each of these murders are the work of a single entity. I recommend caution in the nights that follow, and a watchful eye. The more this continues, the higher the chance of a Kindred body being discovered by the mortals first. Then comes the hysteria. Add nauseam."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Yasmina was more than a little surprised and perplexed at the Prince's decision to promote the fool Gangrel, but she had no say in the matter. The investigator's subsequent report was enough to take her mind off of that little annoyance, and she hissed audibly in anger.


"Set will not tolerate this offence," she growled, her golden eyes flashing, "Just let me get a hold of them..."

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