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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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"What.... the ff..." Jack said as he took a step into his apartment. The rose petals making him extremely uncomfortable, more so than the stake laying on the table. He knew who was in there, her scent all over the room, the creature inside of him stirred, the smell of that woman had always had an effect on it. He had learned over the years though, gained a stronger hand on it and could reign in it, not completely control the raging beast, but he could keep it from bursting out at the wrong time, and this would have been one of those times.


"Well it's a better coming home present than last time you found me." He said loud enough for her to hear him. "Lot creepier though, buut I rather creepy over being blown out the window and having to spend the next week piecing myself back together down in a sewer. So what happens this time? We get straight to the fighting or you plan on being civil tonight?"




Harper looked over to Ivy as she voiced her request. "I'd rather you didn't, you know I don't like it when you run off on your own."

"I could go with her." Edison said much to Harper's surprise, which made him shoot Edison a look to which the sheriff responded with a shrug. "She wouldn't be alone would she? Besides, need to get some fresh air, clear my head, damn Bees aren't giving me any peace in here." He grumbled the last half way to himself.

Harper still didn't like the idea, but with Edison with her he didn't have a real reason for her not to go.

"Alright... But stay where mister Edison can see you, and do exactly what he says." Harper said before turning to Whitelock. "Okay, so.. Sabbat... Just what we need. Very powerful, very angry... Yes yes.... as few in number as we are.. Of course they would attack, they're like roaches, once you think you have them all... more pop up.. So." He said, clapping his hands together as he looked to those left in his office. "I'm open for suggestions on how we deal with this. It's all.. rather exciting really, finally having some sort of lead." He said with a smile.


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Nathaniel growled, he hated the Sabbat. They had no sense of honor in how they dealt with anything, the murdered Nosferatu woman was evidence of his point. His mind went back to his recent duties, he was no practically enslaved by the Prince but he still had his independence, the Gangrel of this city are sparse and most have no official territory, first things first he would have to call them together, unite them by some means and then carve out a piece of London for them to hunt in. Gangrel needed room to move, naturally nomadic they rarely stayed in one place and those that were in the city were either First Winters or City Gangrel.


"Well, if it is indeed a Flesh-Changer sent here to cause dissent and discord then we know he has little to no resources." He said as he stared at the floor. "That means he himself is resourceful... particularly if he has avoided your detection for as long as he has." He said with a slight smile, a true hunter. Nathaniel could feel a well of admiration grow within him.


"He is hunting... and you were not prepared to deal with it. There isn't much I can do, but seeing as how my revenge for my pack has been delayed I must depart, meet with the other Gangrel in the city and perhaps find a way to put order to the chaos." He growled as he shot a look at the Prince. "Do you still have need of me?" He asked The Prince with a tone of hostility, somewhat restrained but not aggressive.

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Kaye grinned and straightned. Yup. That was jack no doubt, and he was alone. Perfect. She walked forward out of hiding, as soon as she spotted him she was smacked with the urge to slice him in half with her katana, but she resisted it, shifting her hand off from it, holding her hands up as she approached. As she got close enough however her hand blurred down to the hilt of her katana, bringing it up to smack jack in the jaw with it, her free hand gripping him about the neck tightly, a hold that would normally cut off the air supply. She looked at jack angrily a moment before dropping the katana, her now free'd hand gripping his hair at the back of his head as she yanked him towards her before planting a passionate kiss upon his lips
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"We need to set up a trap," Yasmina said suddenly. Her golden gaze flicked back and forth between Harper and Whitelock, "If he is so engrossed in killing us off one by one, then perhaps he could be lured by the prospects of slaying one of us in particular."




Whilst the vampires were discussing how to deal with this hunter, Tom had packed what little he possessed - completely emptying his apartment into two rolling suitcases - and returned to Yasmina's penthouse where Joe awaited him. He hated himself for doing it, and yet he couldn't stop himself...it was like whatever his new vampire mistress desired had to be so. He had yet to fully grasp the events that had transpired. Up until now, vampires and enchantments and all that bloody nonsense had been just that.


Bloody nonsense.

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Ivy knew that Harper was reluctant to let her go, but she was excited and paid no attention to it. The front of her gown was still covered with regurgitated blood, and she rushed to her room. She changed her clothes quickly, putting on a yellow sundress, and strapped on a backpack shaped like a teddy bear, before running back to Harper's office and opening the door with Graham's map on it. She stepped through, keeping it open for Edison to follow.

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Graham had almost left the alley when he heard the footsteps far behind him. Turning around, he was startled to see little Ivy stepping into view. What in the-? The Nosferatu moved closer and released his concealment. "Ivy?" he asked, his surprise showing. "Good lord, what are you doing here?" Calling inside the still-open door to Harper's office, he inquired rather bluntly, his voice rumbling like thunder in the distance. "Ahem. Would someone like to inform me of any details here?"

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Whitelock raised an eyebrow slightly to Yasmina's suggestion, churning it around in her brain. "Hmm, perhaps you are correct Miss Sekman. But this is an incredibly dangerous undertaking, as we do not know quite what it is we are up against here. We have leads, but no physical trail to follow. Arranging a trap for such a prolific murderer would most likely result in the death of yet another Kindred... but sometimes a risk must be taken." Pausing for a moment she adjusted her glasses once more.


"However there does remain a problem- The Killer has targeted the lowest of our society, or, at least those without any real pull. Those of us with any power over our blood are in positions of power ourselves- Perhaps the killer is merely working their way up to the assassination of a powerful force, but we cannot be sure. Risking the life of a lesser Vampire in such a trap would mean their demise almost for certain, and there is the issue of whom is sent as backup to spring a maneuver once a killing is underway. Ambushing a member of our kind is no easy feat, our senses are a little more attuned than that of the mortals. If this is a plan of action to be considered, it will require careful deliberation and flawless execution. Magical aids may be required also, and this is all a consuming process- But I do believe it to be a viable option." She said, turning her head to the prince with her last statement.


"You will need to be able to focus all efforts into this Harper- Petty matters such as this evenings transgressions only serve to distract us. Who knows that if in the time we have been spent scorning our newest Primogen and cleaning up his mess, another murder has not taken place? This brings me onto the words of my Regent rather nicely- any Kindred caught breaking the masquerade in any way upon Tremere soil will be executed without trial and with immediacy. He suggests that you follow a route similar to avoid our discovery, and only takes this severe action due to the pressure of our recent nights. Not only do we have murders to contend with, but the problem of the Hunters rising in number and the Wolves closing in is sure to prove a burden- You need not petty trivialities to distract you from this, nor do you need any clan being revealed by the actions of imbeciles. The Chantry can keep it's members in perfect submission- but for the rest of our small but diverse society, where is the true order?"


"I do hope having a full Primogenship will help in our unity- without it we are powerless."

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Harper looked over to Nathan and nodded. "Yes I do, for the rest of the night in fact, your actions could have very well resulted in your execution, your ignorance of our laws stop tonight. You will not leave this building until you are able to recite them by heart." Harper said in a tone that suggested that there would be no arguing. "And besides, you walking out there on your own, demanding their obedience would result in your immediate demise, your predecessor made that mistake, and died within two hours. No what you need to do Mister Wright is to sit down, listen, and learn from the best of us."


"Now then." He said as he turned to the others. "Trap.... I like it, but with no real idea what we're facing it'd be somewhat... difficult. We don't know what our killer's after, so we don't know what bait to use, what if he's not going up the chain of command is simply killing for the sake of killing? What if this is a feud coming to a head? We don't know enough so.... Laying a successful trap would be next to impossible." He said in a defeated tone as he walked to his chair and sat down behind his desk. "I suppose... I will call upon the Primogen, hear what they have to suggest, see if we can't become a little more.. coordinated about all this." He said as he rubbed between his eyes. "And to think there are those that kill to try and earn this job." He scoffed.



Edison closed the door as him and Ivy walked out. "She wanted to tag along, and I needed some fresh air. That gonna be an issue buddy?" He asked Graham, not really caring what his answer was.



Taken completely by surprise when Kaye kissed him, Jack stood there, shock in his eyes and were his mouth not occupied it would be hanging open. When he eventually came to his senses his literally leaped back, pressing up against his wall. "Alright.... so we're a little more than civil." He said, his eyes still nearly bulging out of his skull. "You wanna start explaining yourself now?... Please?.... I'm too confused right now." He begged her, actually a bit afraid of her at the moment, even before she went crazy Kaye was never one for this type of behavior.

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"I've got an idea for bait," Yasmina replied, "Him."


Her slender finger was pointed directly at Nathan.


"He's obviously not well-learned. That makes him a target. He's a Gangrel. That makes him a larger target. He's the newest Gangrel Primogen. Even bigger target. He's the newest Gangrel Primogen who managed to make an utter fool of himself and risk our exposure...need I say more? Hunters, Sabbat, Setites with an agenda, insane Fleshcrafters, whatever...they won't be able to resist him."


She crossed her arms, "Now I've done my part, and I need to get home, thank you."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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