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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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The sheriff scoffed at Graham's request for a meeting. "I don't think so. Head back over to the site of the explosion. Cameras are still down over so it's safe, emergency response is having a hell of a time getting there too. Pass the info off to my guy there and he'll bring it to us. He's easy enough to spot, dark gray hair and the left side of his face is the poster child of why you don't run with scissors, and do me a favor would ya? Next time don't go blowing up a crime scene until after my guys get there." Without waiting for a response he hung up on Graham and sighed. "Nobody knows how to wait for the pros anymore." He mumbled under his breath.


"Course not." said Harper. "Would take away the chance to prove themselves." He said before looking over at Ivy. "Well hello little one. What are you doing in here?" He asked his ward, he had taken Ivy in after she was found being studied by a human, mostly for appearances and to see if Gangrels could be taught to be civilized, the sad truth was that she had been rescued from being one mans' experiment, only to become anothers'.



Keeping watch over the alley way he immediately recognized the exotic beauty as Yasmina, the "owner" of this dominion. A follower of Set and an ancient Kindred to boot, she made Jack a tab bit uncomfortable, nevertheless he had a job to do, and so despite not needing to breathe, he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before walking over to her and her assistant. "Evening," he greeted her to get her attention, "So you probably know more than I do, A Noss found a mess and decided to burn it all and...... what the.."

He stopped mid-word as he noticed another Kindred in the alleyway, now carrying one of the charred bodies over the shoulder. "The hell are you doing?" Jack asked, blocking the man's way.

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Ivy presented her lion to Harper, revealing it was dirty and flecked with the occasional spot of blood from when she'd fed earlier, matching her dress perfectly. "We need a bath. I fed earlier. Plus, that way, I could really drown my toys." She gave a bright smile that would have caused any mortal to feel rather uneasy after hearing something so morbid from her little mouth.

She crossed her arms, lion still in hand, and added, "There's a lot going on right now, though..." She poorly concealed her interest in what was going on by giving a fake little childish sigh and said, "It'll have to wait until later, probably..."

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Yasmina was about to address the Gangrel Kindred when a Malkavian with a mohawk began making off with one of the corpses.


"Are they-?" Tom began, but the vampiress pushed him towards a woman who was watching them from afar. "Take care of her," Yasmina said, before returning her attention to the Gangrel and Malkavian.




Tom almost immediately spun on his heel and began walking towards the blonde, "What are you doing here?"

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Nathaniel watched as the crowd grew, one even began to take the corpses. He drummed his fingers on the red brick edge of the chimney and thought if he should just present himself or run. He knew that the Sheriff was involved, he could smell a Gangrel aswell as a few others. The blonde woman reeked of perfume and hedonism, she was a Toreador but the other woman. The darker skinned one, he never smelled a kindred like her before.


After many minutes of deliberation he decided it was best just to reveal himself. He jumped from his chimney roost down to the slanted roof and skidded down to the eaves and flipped off the roof and landed with a loud thud on the concrete to the left of the growing audience.


"Welll... here I am." He said with a cocky smirk as he held out his arms like he was presenting them to a policemen for handcuffs.

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Sasha smirked, and with a dismissive sneer and almost laughed at the newly bound Ghoul. "I'll tell you newbie, but you'll just take it all in and memorize it for your mistress, without understanding a term. But don't worry, if you live long enough and prove to be useful, you might learn a thing or two about this world you've gotten yourself into... I know I have..." Sasha trailed off wistfully for a moment, but focused back on Tom. "I was sent here by Clan Toreador's Primogen to investigate the explosion, which seemingly burnt those corpses to a crisp." The gangrel pet that followed the commands of Ameline and her toy snarled as another of his kind dropped from the rooftops, revealing himself arrogantly- With a statement like that he clearly had something to do with this; But was he the killer or the demolitionist?


"Look sharp blood doll, company." Sasha warned, narrowing her gaze to perceive the rugged appearance of the recently revealed Kindred.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Graham gave a sigh as Edison hung up. Well, then. That could have gone better. He turned around and began walking back to the site of the explosion, shrouding himself with Obfuscation. He disliked meeting in unfamiliar territory, with someone he didn't know, but it wasn't smart to anger the Malkavian.


He got there in a few minutes, eyeing the small gathering at the scene, and started looking for Edison's man. Okay, now,. he thought with minor annoyance, noticing the number of clans present.. Lets just invite everyone in the family, shall we? Spotting the one he was supposed to hand everything over to, Graham approached him. Heheh, the Sheriff wasn't joking about the scissors, was he? Releasing the shroud, he stepped out from the shadows and walked to the Gangrel's side, ignoring the others. He knew the Nosferatu weren't the most popular of the Kindred. So I might as well get this over with and leave before they get antsy.


"Are you Edison's man?" He asked, quietly introducing himself. "I'm Graham. The Sheriff said to meet with you. I've some important evidence to give y-" He trailed off when another Gangrel arrived, hands presented in surrender. Well, then, this just got interesting.

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Just as everything seemed to be going to smoothly, a rather shaggy Gangrel appeared and blocked Franks path. Within moments it seemed as though the entire alley was filled with various creatures of the night, all intent on finding out what had happened here. Still, the arrival of these others genuinely confused him as to just who this sticky little mongrel was talking to, so rather then answer Frank attempted to Obfuscate himself out of the situation.


Hopefully he couldn't smell that bloodburger in his hoodie pocket...

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Chris smiled self satisfied smile as he looked upon his newest painting. "Why would anyone ask for something like this?" He wondered out loud. The painting was more bloody than anything he had ever painted. The Sirens' Feast showed three sirens... helping themselves to enchanted sailors on the rocky shore. Chris was unsure whether the man who requested it knew anything about the dominating subject of the painting, or if he even cared but he paid well and was useful to know.


Still smiling to himself he left the study and made his way to the living room. Recent murders of the Kindred in the city made him a little paranoid, thus he left the safety of his apartment on very rare occasions. He turned his laptop on to read about what's happening in town, he was curious if any progress about the murders was made but not curious enough to snoop around on his own and getting in contact with those sewer dwelling Nosferatu was out of the question.


After a brief search on the web Chris found out about some sort of explosion that happened earlier tonight. "Interesting." He said to himself. "I wondered if the Kindred had anything to do with this as well."

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And there Jack was, stuck in the middle of 4 unknowns. The little voice in the back of his head that told him to kill everyone he saw was not happy. His body began to shake as if adrenalin was pumping through his body, but in truth it was something much stronger. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!!" He yelled at the top of his voice despite there not being that much noise going on. With a look of pure rage on his face he pointed to Yasmina . "You, deal with him." He said jerking his thumb in Nathan's direction. He then turned to Graham. "Give me a minute." He growled before walking over to where Frank was and grabbed him by the shirt, easily picking out where he was by the smell. "I asked you a question." He said in a threatening tone of voice. "The hell.. are you doing.. with that body?"



Harper let out a chuckle. "Went out on your own did you? Could have sworn I asked you not to do that. Thought I said that it was too dangerous. but then I also told you not to eavesdrop as well as how to draw yourself a bath, and and those obviously didn't sink in." He said wearing a smile on his face as he walked back over to his desk. "But yes, lots of things going on right now. Some other Kindred decided to go out and cause trouble, but that's all getting cleared up as we speak. So it's nothing to be worried about. It's all boring business, not at all fun." He smiled and winked at her, giving her the impression that he wasn't displeased with her.


Edison on the other hand was seeing and hearing the complete opposite, but wasn't about to mention it, wasn't any of his business anyways. He didn't get paid to worry about the kid's well being or her feelings for when she found out the truth.

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Tom's eyes widened, "How....how many of...us...and them....are there? I...." his throat felt as though it were closing up with fear, yet his devotion to Yasmina prevented him from running.




Yasmina raised an eyebrow at the Gangrel who had ordered her about, at first tempted to flay him on the spot, but then she thought it best to play along. She faced the other Gangrel, the one who had just admitted to the crime, and she stepped a bit closer to him, azure heels clicking ominously on the pavement. She looked him up and down with her golden eyes as if appraising his worth before addressing him with a sneer, "So. You're the one that's caused this mess in my part of the city. Tell me...why would you be so careless...risking the exposure of us all? What did you hope to gain from such idiocy? And why are you around these parts, anyway? This isn't a place for fools, you know."

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