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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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After looking around some more Chris remembered that he was given a code to an elevator, which went to Primogen's personal quarters. He walked to the back of the stage where he found an elevator. After entering the correct code the doors opened. The inside of the elevator looked as high class as everything else inside the theatre.


Once the elevator reached Ameline's floor and the door opened Chris nearly immediately spotted the Primogen. "Hello? I'm Christopher Vecellio, the painter you called."

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Yasmina's golden gaze became the Eyes of the Serpent to immobilize the fool Gangrel, her irises flashing as she attempted to take hold of him with her power.


To the vampires around her she asked, "Now, any of you have a quick way of getting to the Prince? Or are we going to have to walk?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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As a husky voice called to her from the entrance of her luxurious home, Ameline looked up from the sunken position she was seated in, arms outstretched over the gilded arms of her seat, her lower back took most of the seat, bottom half on, half off. Around her was a pile of scattered papers and diamonds, the former various letters and love notes, and the latter the shrapnel that had flown from her necklace as she threw it to the floor, exploding in a brilliant display.


In the subtle illumination, light danced about her face, reflected upon it by her dangling earrings, her eyes were seemingly dead for a moment, but as she looked up at Chris, blinking a few times, they regained their allure.


Rising slowly, she brushed off her satin dress, cocking her head to the side as she did so. Without saying a word, she strutted forwards, her majestic steps echoing loudly about her home, the noisome click of her tall heels amplified in the vastness of her marble walls, eyes all the while focused upon Chris.


She looked him up and down at first, but proceeded to circle him, getting a look at every angle before coming to a stop.


Should she have neglected her heels, Chris would have exceeded her height by an inch, but as it stood, she was a good few taller. Grasping him by the shoulders and kissing his cheek, she smiled a recently-bleached smile, perfectly formed teeth straight and square, they looked polished, almost like a china cup.


"So you are. I have heard much about you Mr. Vecellio, please, do come in." She gestured to her 'modest' living area (as if she knew the meaning of the word...), and seated herself upright in the chair she was previously slouched against, her smile non the wiser to the explosion around her, pretending there was nothing there but herself and the chair, feigning ignorance as to her recent little episode- The truth was that Ameline was slowly, but very surely beginning to burn out. No longer could a conversation hold her, a performance entertain her, and each time she wished for more and more. Eventually her taste would be of the impossible, and then, then would her candle finally flicker it's last.


With delicate fingers she gestured all around. "You sit in the home of your Primogen, but please, for tonight do not think of me as such... merely a client with expensive taste; you see Mr. Vecellio, I possess not a single piece of artwork to adorn my home, and I wish for your work to be at the forefront of my collection-to-be."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Frank was still ambling back to his bus when the Setite asked for a ride to the Prince. He had no love for the Prince, but something about the woman piqued his interest.


In a calm voice unfitting of his status Frank spoke up, "If you would like, you may ride with me to take this hoodlum to his punishment while I deliver these bodies to be disposed of."


With that he disappeared onto the black bus for a moment before reappearing to take up a second body in his arms.

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Jack let out a sigh, then pulled his phone out from his pocket. "Don't need to." He said to the Kindred in the black bus. Having the sheriff on quick dial he was waiting on Edison to answer with a few quick button presses. "We need a door." He said when Edison finally answered.

"Way ahead of you." Edison replied, taking a large piece of ancient looking parchment and taping it to a door there in the office. On the parchment was a perfect map of London, it's insides, outsides, and everywhere in between. And near the groups current location within the city, was a circle drawn in Harpers' blood that covered over the building across the street. The effect which would allow them to travel through any solid door in the building and they would find themselves in Harpers' office.

"Across the street, Just head on through the front doors, they'll lead you here." Said Edison before hanging up.


Following the Sheriff's instructions Jack walked across the street to the building in question and pushed the front doors which should have been locked at this time of night, but thanks to the Princess' own powerful discipline the doors opened into his office, where he and the Sheriff both waited.

"So where is he?" Harper asked expectantly.

Jack turned to the small group across the street and called out to them. "Bring him on over here." He said loud enough for them to all hear. With power still out as well as the cameras Jack didn't feel that it was necessary to remain secretive about their business.

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Kaye watched the goings on for a time until jack had moved to open the door.
"they're moving out" she said to herself in a low doubled over tone as she shifted slightly, lingering a moment longer. "Yew, you still there?"


"My delivery ready yet?"

"uhm... yeah. though it seems a little. well. what's the word i'm looking for.. mmmnnnnn excessive?? Not to mention kinda. strange."

Kaye just chuckled to herself some, gaining a happy smile, half closing her multicolored eyes as she straightened herself. "Strange? maybe. you think he'll appreciate it?" she said in a light tone not befitting her looks, or personality.

Yew muttered something about madness on the other end of the line before speaking up in an audible tone, "yeah uh... maybe hey? will just have toooo. find out i guess."

"I heard that. Yew."

"H-heard what? iiiii didn't say anything."

"Yeah. sure." Kaye remarked, lifting her sniper rifle from its place, walking back in to the darkened room. it was time she set her plan in motion.


Kaye set the sniper rifle down upon the desk in the dining room of the small apartment, setting her hand on the wood of the table, reaching down to pick up her katana which she'd rested up aside it, strapping it in to place at her back for a change, walking over towards the door, setting her hand on the scratched and aged handle as she opened the door, stepping out in to the hall.

Kaye took a pause there for a moment as if just to clear her mind, closing her eyes, standing still with her head slightly inclined. Perhaps she was just waiting, giving some time so she didn't run in to the large grouping of vampires a way away.

With her thoughts cleared she lowered her head again, locking the door, turning about to jog down the hallway, her thick boots clomping loudly on the tile.


She wasted no time going down the steps and running to the outside of the building where a black motorbike lay in wait for her. thick scratches lining the sides of the bodywork, chipping through the paint.

Kaye trotted over to the bike, freeing her helmet from where she'd left it, setting it on her head as she climbed on, setting her keys in the ignition before revving the engine some before taking off down the street, long untucked hair flaring out behind her like a constant flame

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Nathan smiled as he solidified his will against Yasmina's mental attack. He would much rather keep his mind to himself. He walked towards the recently opened door that lead to the Princes office.


"Nice trick babydoll... but I ain't so easy to grasp." He said with a quick wink as he turned for the newly opened door. He would rather get all this mess over with.


He caught the scent of the Prince as he walked into his office, that and the smell of a freshly cleaned office. It stank of Lysol.


"So your the Prince... Well I guess I owe you an explanation." He said in a calm and respectful tone. He knew now was not the time for wisecracks.

Edited by Macman253
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Graham stared for a moment at the gateway, quietly impressed. At Jack's behest, he followed the Gangrel through the doorway to Harper's office. "Evening, Edison," he spoke quietly with a nod, then went and stood in one of the far corners of the room, his hands clasped behind his back as he waited for the others. He was trying to keep as much distance between him and everyone else, as they might eventually start to get agitated with him around. As if we're not agitated enough...


Returning his attention to Nathan, Graham pondered the Gangrel's fate. I wonder what will be done with this fool...

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Yasmina let out a hiss that was not unlike a snake's as she glared at Nathan, not at all amused and certainly not impressed. She glanced over her shoulder at Tom, "Return to your apartment and pack your bags...you're moving in with me."


As Tom obediently left the scene, his mistress followed the others into the Prince's office. She picked the opposite corner from Graham, her golden eyes practically glowing in the dark.

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Woken up by the sounds of footsteps, Ivy slid out of bed. She exhausted a bit of effort and examined herself in the mirror for a split second, a trick she'd taught herself that tired her out even more than one could be after just waking up. Her hair was messier than usual, but other than that, she looked fine.

She grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped it around herself before opening the door to her bedroom and going down a few hallways, finding herself at Harper's office. She pressed her ear to the door, hearing a man talking... She could barely hear him. Maybe if she just opened the door a little...

The girl tumbled into the office in her pink nightgown, gasping as she nearly bumped into a seemingly-upset woman near a wild-looking man.

"I'm sorry!" Slipping into a corner, as she was caught now either way, she found herself next to a man who made her feel as if she'd just seen an alligator up close. Petrified, she gave a tense wave to him, and slid her freckled hands into her gown's pockets, wishing she'd brought her lion with her.

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