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Why does FO3 say that?


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Two weeks I installed The sydney follower mod, http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/9320/? & http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/11362//?

it worked like a charm. However since the day before yesterday, She can't take any gear or equipment I want to trade with her.

"Sydney can't carry anymore, she is overencumbered" she's only holding her rifle/armor + headgear, is there a way to correct that,

Albeit via GECK or console commands? Another thing, she can't go into crouch anymore! Also Sydneys hair has transparant parts,
which show some really ugly shadows when using ENB. How do I change her hairstyle?


edit: nevermind I found what was causing it...

Edited by ginkarasu
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