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[REQ] Become Ethereal = no clip (tcl)


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Well, I like the idea of being able to become a ghost with the Become Ethereal shout and I think it's kinda silly that we can't walk through walls as a ghost in an ethereal form. So if a mod could add no clip to the become ethereal shout that'd be awesome. Does one exist? If it does I can't find it.


I'm not strong on the scripting side of things so I don't know how to do it myself. I guess whatever line of code that the cloud of bats flying thing or flying vampire lord mods use would probably work if added to it. I don't even know how to edit and compile the scripts though, lol. In all my years of modding Bethesda games I've never touched scripting even once. http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png


Personally right now I just open console and do tcl myself but it's kinda immersion breaking.


As a side note, if someone wanted to go about it some super advanced way they could make it so you can only walk through interior doors that don't lead to a loading screen, but that sounds like a lot more work and potentially impossible.

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Well I from and immersion stand point, it isnt very realistic to go through a wall and find a big empty blue space, with nothing in it. In real life there would be just a bunch of rock and dirt. But in skyrim, you arent meant to go through walls, because theres nothing behind it. This will also break many quest lines because you could just cheat and quickly get to the target, destination, etc. So if you want to tcl then go ahead, but there is not way you are going to make it immersive.

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  • 1 year later...

old thread but good idea...somewhat. what i'd change about it is being able to clip though ONLY gates and fences that you can clearly see though but not trespass. not walls or solid doors/objects

Edited by VileTouch
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