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How can I modify the villager party? lookslike Something weird happened in partyTemplates.xml


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Recently, I'm trying to bring the "bladesister" troop line from M&B warband into M&B bannerlord, so I decide to make some female villagers and modify the villager's template to add some female villagers into villager's party first, which I set as the basic troop of that tree. as everyone who familiar to M&B's mod knows, to do that, I need to change the villager's party template, so after I made my new female villager I go for the "partyTemplates.xml" and modified the "villager_culture_template " line to add this character into villager's party, but after I put it into test, I found my change isn't working. after several hours of testing, I finally found the "villager_culture_template " line in "partyTemplates.xml" and "villager_party_template" line in "spculture.xml" seems doesn't work at all, and when I add my new female viallager into other party's templates, like bandits, Lords etc, it just work fine. is that a bug? or I just didn't find the right line to modify?

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