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Requesting NPC selector spell for Console purposes


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Playing in VR, it becomes something of a pain in the rear end to take a VR headset off to use the console in an attempt to select an item or NPC... Especially one that gets stuck and you need to use the "moveto player" command.


If anybody has used the console running Skyrim VR, you know how much of a pain in the butt that is, since the in-game mouse cursor won't go beyond the text box of the console. And more times than not when you try to click on an NPC, you end up getting the prid "14" which is yourself.


So, to make life easier for certain console commands... I use a speech recognition software called "glovepie" where I can program macros of console commands (or hot keys) to speech commands.


So the only thing missing, that would make things a hell of a lot easier is a "prid" spell that when shot at and item or NPC would act like you actually typed in the command "prid xxxxx" where X is the reference id of the target the spell hit.

Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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