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"0%" VATS Values

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On occasion I will download a weapon and when testing it out in VATS it will give a 0% to the hit chance. One of my friends here has encountered this with virtually every model of PSG-1 that has been put up on the Nexus so far. I have encountered it in the M56 Smartgun, Aliens M41a Pulse Rifle, and a few other weapons. I am wondering what causes this "0%" value to happen? Did I miss a file during the installation or has something been set wrong by the creator of the mod? I am not a modder of any sort but I would like to know what causes this to happen.


I thank you for your time

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Does this also happen when you are standing in front of the target, at a short range, with nothing between you?


0% hit chance is completely normal, and indicates the target is either too far, not in your direct line of sight (completely, or in part), or is behind a solid obstacle (building, NPC, etc.).

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