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Invisible/transparent Armor mods?


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Anyone got a link to a set of invisible or transparent armor? Particularly gloves and shoulders but I recall there used to be a whole set of light/heavy invisible armor (armor with no visible appearance for use with clothing etc...). Thank you for any insight you might offer.

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I was able to do this by attaching an NiAlphaProperty and an alpha channel texture to the gauntlets. Is this what you mean't or do you still want to be able to see the hands whilst having invisible armor over them? For that I'd just import the hands and incorporate them as a piece of armor. If on the other hand you want TRANSPARENT gauntlets whilst still being able to see the hands underneath, the gauntlets would need a gray alpha channel and an NiAlphaProperty whilst having the hand mesh imported into the same file, also counting as a piece of armor.


Alpha textures can range from white (visible) to black (invisible). Any gray inbetween determines how faded in or faded out the texture is, making gray a semi-invisible texture. The texture won't be invisible however if the mesh doesn't have an NiAlphaProperty attached. Even then the .DDS texture file has to be DXT3 or DXT5 since DXT1 doesn't hold any alpha properties.

Edited by DarkSpyda04
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Yea that is pretty much what I was looking for. Something like that for shoulders and gloves to make them simple disappear. That way you can wear and enchant shoulders/gloves but not have to see them at all.

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