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7 Days To Die

meanclouds fishing mod for alpha 20


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hi there, ive started to blast 7 days to die instead of the now constant BS modding skyrim gave me, i came across a mod that was SUPER usefull when it came to food aswell as a source of rotton flesh from rotten fish that was also randomly collected via fishing which the base game really (in my opinion) should already have called the fishing mod by meancloud, however the mod is for the last alpha 19.6 i think it was, its still active and causes no issues at all from what ive seen in the new alpha 20 update apart from the simple fact of, you cant use the old fishing tools (the fishing spear, fishing rod, fine fishing rod, fishing trap) you can still make them, and they are still randomly collectable through looting, yet now basically pointless, again this was a SUPER handy mod and really i think should already part of the game, is there a possability that somebody could update this? i would do it myself but i have no idea where to start with these things

Edited by DiddyBeatz
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