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Attempting modding for the first time in Valheim. Can't get it to work.


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Hey all, I've got 500+ hours in game, and while I wait for new content, I've started a new character/world to mess around with. Mostly I just really want to get that "plant Everything" mod. But I can't figure out how to start the process. I've got Vortex, as I've been running modded Skyrim, Fallout, etc for years. Vortex can't even find Valheim. I went to the folder manually, and now when I try to select the game in Vortex, it just gives me a "Switching to profile: default" page that spins but never loads anything.


Is there something else I'm supposed to do? I did a bunch of googling, checking Reddit, etc, but there's no real step by step process that I could find. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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