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[LE] A Staves overhaul mod request


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To all talented Mod makers and Skyrim enthusiast

Don't you all feel Skyrim staves was a cool idea but implemented extremely poorly to the point of downright trash tier. I always wanted to play a Gandalf themed character that use staves and sword to fight but even with the help of mods like ordinator (tried to make staff a bit more useful but to no avail) staves are still trash ditched aside at mid or end game depending on the difficulty setting. So I can only look like gandalf with the help of mods but never actually able to fight like him.

I think staves suck due to several reasons personally. First staves can only cast one magic, Second, staves do not benefit from perks, Third, staves cannot be used to fight in close range. Fourth staves cannot cast master level ritual spells.

These four limitations make staff extremely limiting and make it so very little true mage character will ever implement staff in their character (except a few unique staves like staff of magus) because a character's hand can cast all spell more effectively.

I implore skilled mod authors to make a staff overhaul mod that make all staves more useful by implementing systems that revolves around the four elements I mentioned above. First and most importantly: make staffs able to cast more spells. I have a basic idea about the way to implement this in a balanced way.

Make staves have novice, adept, master levels and higher leveled staffs can be enchanted with more spells. Novice 3, adept 5 and master 7 (sth like this). If possible staves can be distinguished by different school of magic as well. So for example destruction novice staves can have 3 spells of any school enchanted to it but only destruction spell enchanted onto it can have a bonus (enhanced destruction damage, cast speed or spell magnitude, etc). And players can cycle the spells in a separate quick access manu (like SKSE) or a set key in MCM.

Secondly, make staves casted spells benefit from perks, this is easier to do and I believe there are mods already out there for this (ordinator I think)

Thirdly, also important but not a must have: make staves useable in melee combat. I want this not only because you see Gandalf whack enemy with staff in LOTR but also because it make sense, a magical stick is still a stick and when an enemy gets close to threaten your life there is no reason to not whack them with said stick. I hope similar to how vampire lord switch from melee mode to magic mode a staff can be quickly toggled between magic mode and melee mode with a key that could be set in MCM. I think this would be the most difficult part of this mod since it require two separate types of animation be combined into one and possibly new animations have to be made. So this is not a must have.

Fourth, make staves be able to cast master level ritual spells. For balancing reasons only master level staves with the right school of magic can cast the appropriate ritual spell.

These are just my personal ideas and opinion and if you use staves all the way until the end game and did not ditch it and thought vanilla staves are amazing know that I admire and respect your choice!

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I also really want to use staves but the idea I had was different.
Staves have no charge and instead it uses the spell you inject into it. For example, let's say I wield a staff in my right hand and implement a spell I came to know as the fireball in that same hand, the staff would work as a support to increase the damage of that spell and I witnessed the use of magic when casting.
It would be possible to double-throw by unlocking the necessary perk that allows the staff to double-throw.
Staves having their own route in the enchantment perk that allows crafting them.
These are kind of my ideas of functionality for a staff
In fact it would be wrong to say that the staffs would not have charge, he could even have it but he could be stronger than normal and used as power. Like, let's say you have a staff that absorbs life, you could mark it as a power and use it to drain more life from the enemy than it normally would.
I also really want to use staves but the idea I had was different.
Staves have no charge and instead it uses the spell you inject into it. For example, let's say I wield a staff in my right hand and implement a spell I came to know as the fireball in that same hand, the staff would work as a support to increase the damage of that spell and I witnessed the use of magic when casting.
It would be possible to double-throw by unlocking the necessary perk that allows the staff to double-throw.
Staves having their own route in the enchantment perk that allows crafting them.
These are kind of my ideas of functionality for a staff
I also really want to use staves but the idea I had was different.
Staves have no charge and instead it uses the spell you inject into it. For example, let's say I wield a staff in my right hand and implement a spell I came to know as the fireball in that same hand, the staff would work as a support to increase the damage of that spell and I witnessed the use of magic when casting.
It would be possible to double-throw by unlocking the necessary perk that allows the staff to double-throw.
Staves having their own route in the enchantment perk that allows crafting them.
These are kind of my ideas of functionality for a staff
In fact it would be wrong to say that the staffs would not have charge, he could even have it but he could be stronger than normal and used as power. Like, let's say you have a staff that absorbs life, you could mark it as a power and use it to drain more life from the enemy than it normally would.
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