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Racemenu failing to retain changes


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Note: The title is maybe misleading. If I could edit it, it'd be "Racemenu settings are failing to be retained"


I've been noticing that racemenu keeps resetting certain values showing that certain values I changed already have been reset to their previous values in my character definition.


One in particular is height. At some point I set it to a value (0.93, for a very short character, about 5ft - 1.5m in height)


Now it seems ~fixed or background-locked to that value, no matter whether I call racemenu from console (with requisite character naming) or the Change of Face shortcut mod, my height will change accordingly, so it's not as if the slider stops working, but after returning to play, eventually I change cells or equip a clothing/armor/jewelry item, (or something, not sure what, but something) and voila, I'm back at


height = 0.93


I've saved new presets with the desired values from both console showracemenu and the change of face mod, both load correctly when called. But in game, something is switching me back.


Does this sound familiar to you, and if so, can you point me to a thread explaining the solution, or alternatively provide that solution yourself?


Not the specific setting per say. Maybe for you it was some other setting, or settings for that matter.


thanks in advance

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Have you tried altering any other base stats? I usually do something with the size of the character's head, and neck/head position. Do you have any other mods that affect the skeleton? Any files marked 'read only' by some mysterious happenstance? BTW - Racemenu just updated again... Also, just looked at your reply on another thread that talked about the .tri files, could one of those be corrupted/read only for your character?

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Have you tried altering any other base stats? I usually do something with the size of the character's head, and neck/head position. Do you have any other mods that affect the skeleton? Any files marked 'read only' by some mysterious happenstance? BTW - Racemenu just updated again... Also, just looked at your reply on another thread that talked about the .tri files, could one of those be corrupted/read only for your character?


Yep. It doesn't matter if I just adjust those and/or adjust other things too. Most settings stick. Height is one that might or might not...for a while. It *feels* like it's being overwritten by some "shadow copy" of racemenu settings stored by some other mod, but I'm not sure which or why.


If I adjust boob size, or shoulder width, or eye color, or hair type...those stick. every time. Just height and a few others. (for instance, I've had an issue with lobster hands for as long as I can remember - ie, some mysterious background force randomly sets hand size to ~1.3 scale)


I'll take a look at the skeleton. I don't think it's that or SOS or anything, but who knows. Maybe something got out of whack in the load order during a deployment. (unlikely but probability is never zero)


edit - Checked: only things recommended to be placed after XPMSSE are loaded after.

  • Berserk Troll Creature
  • MNC
  • XP32 fixed scripts
  • Racemenu - Thigh Position Sliders

I know very little about tri files. They're unreadable (by me) so they make no sense other than being some necessary resource that I've been told are "needed by racemenu". I think they hold mesh deformation data, but I have no idea how I'd test their integrity or edit them directly to find flaws. So, it's possible?


Are tri files modified by racemenu tweaking, or do they just hold baseline deformations (like the various nifs) (ie, "NPC-unique" or player head, and Bodysilde body, hands, and feet), and then the racemenu.jslots describe the alterations to those values? idk...


In any case, it still feels like something is periodically overwriting the values with a previous state. Some value-set in some sort of "buffer" that gets dumped back in via nioverride or something. idk...the more I talk about it, the dumber I feel.

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