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Three random ideas for MODs...


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Three more random ideas.. Scroll to any that interest you...




On the old Batman idea, hows about a Damian Wayne costume version?



No cape. Its a trench coat. A mod of Colonel Autumn's coat and a cowl would do it. Maybe parts of the new Chinese Stealth Suit. Wearing it could give bonuses to unarmed combat, sneak, electronics, med, lock pick, explosives, stealth, jump height, run speed, and rad / flame protection, and carrying capacity. As far as the 'guns' gripe goes, aside from Bruce & %&$!, many other Bat-chars are willing to use guns or kill.


I'd love to see a small cave like house that can be found by the player. Think Raven Rock but, small. Inside are the full house perks, and a robot butler named Alfred II. Maybe a weapons locker filled with fun gear, cabinet filled with med supplies and fresh water. There should be some sorta display with the bat suit in it. Consider it a 'Washington DC Bat-stash' left by some caped crusader in case of emergency. Hell, do a quest where you save a bunch of people and you wake up with a location clue left to you by a mysterious stranger about being accepted into the Bat family.



CHRONO TRIGGER: I know, its not 'immersion friendly'... its fun though. :P


What about a fully enclosed Robo power armor set with a built in Pipboy to avoid that bare hand issue. Include a textured fist weapon version of the Apocalypse Arm (CT DS) similar to the Face Puncher. You could leave a note explaining how after uploading his AI as a safe guard against FATE (Chrono Cross), Robo's shell is lost in a temporal rift and found in the DC rubble.

The armor could be found in an underground lab along with other artifacts from CT collected by an unknown person intending to use the Robo suit to track a strange energy signature but, was killed outside his lab by raiders. This gives the player a chance at the real prize: Masamune II (CT) or Masamune III (CC).



METAL GEAR SOLID: Makes a lot of sense to me and is even simpler....


This one writes itself. A guarded Foxhound store house with a version of the Cyborg Ninja suit used in the series, a high frequency katana, various undamaged weapons and military gear, a sneaking suit, etc. The best piece of lootz could be Snake's headband, which is there for study do to its unusual properties (infinite ammo). I'm sure between Metal Gear 1-4 theres lots of great gear, and even a companion or two that could be used. Hell, with enough skill you could use an audio file of Campbell trying to call Snake on a radio frequency. :D

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