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How to easily rename voice files (if possible)


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I am trying to avoid manually renaming all the voice files of a major character. 2400+ lines.


I have converted the files into .fuz a while ago. The problem is I used xVA synth, and the output is


example: "Hey what are you doing.fuz"


I would need to be example: "000a1234_1.fuz"


The ONLY way I see remotely possible to use the VFRT, and search the lines, to find the filename, then find the line in my XVA output, then and then manually rename the output file.


There is no way I can get the files to line up, the filenames nor the lines are in alpha order in the VFRT, so this means searching between the 2 windows and extreme tedium. It feels like there should be some easier way, but not seeing it.



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The quests have an export dialogue function in the first tab, which exports a txt file that contains coma separated values which include, among other things, the text and the name of the file, if you know any programming language you should be able to parse each line in a loop and, by comparing the name of the file to the text of the line, rename the file to the proper filename, if you don't know any programming then you can just use the "Find" function of the text editor of your choice to search for the text and find out the proper file name so you can rename it by hand one by one.

Edited by DieFeM
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