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Mod Request : one-click shoot and cock (yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds)


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Just wondered if it was possible to map two actions in sequence, namely fire+cock. This would theoretically make firing immediately followed by cocking the hammer/re-racking the bolt (or reloading on empty?). I find that having to click to cock the weapon really messes with the flow of action in firefights, but I'm not trying to speed up the rate of fire in a non-realistic way.


Rampage trainer *sort of* has this option in the "Weapons" section as "Auto cock", but it doesn't trigger the animation, just removes the need to cock the weapon (I.E. the gun shoots like a modern semi-auto AR or whatever), which isn't exactly what I mean.


Dunno, just wondered. I'm sure I'll get jumped all over for wanting the game to hold my hand by being less realistic, but I'm mostly asking for it to keep the pace of the action up in firefights.


Thanks in advance!

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