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How to work out if a mod is still usable/stable?


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I used to play with a mod called Named bosses in Skyrim http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10937/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D10937%26preview%3D&pUp=1

which hasn't been updated since last year so I took it into Tes5edit, cleaned it and all that jazz, started tes5edit again and the load order was fine with no errors found.

So I loaded up Skyrim and had some fun with it, BUT my question is how do I know if this mod uses the same cell space edits for its npcs or if it will create other kinds of conflicts/errors?

Is there a way to find that out in the CK/tes5edit?


I use immersive creatures, immersive patrols, Skymomod and Organised bandits in skyrim along with Skyre.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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I loaded up the water wars module from wars in skyrim and loaded it up in tesedit with all my mods selected and almost everything has conflicts. what am i supposed to do now?


should I do the cleaning steps or load it up on it's own in tes5edit and do the cleaning that way?

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