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Baggy pants on the Merc Grunt outfit.


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What I am hoping for and have been dreaming of is for the Merc Grunt outfit to not have the pants tucked into the damned shoes lol. There is only one single outfit/armor that doesnt tuck or taper the pants legs and that is the RobCo jumpsuit. I am hoping for someone to possibly make a model that looks like the bottom half of the jumpsuit with the shirt and belt/mid-section of the merc grunt outfit. If there is someone out there willing to help me out with this, I can work the texture aspect of it. I just happen to suck at modeling unfortunately, or I would have done this one my own a LONG time ago. Any response would be greatly appreciated. If someone happens to be willing to take the request on, then e-mail me at [email protected] so we can discuss the aspects and details of the project.
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