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Force Player to wear a specific item to continue quest


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Hello everyone,


I'm new to modding in Skyrim and I want to create a quest mod. I have experience in programming techniques but in the CK I'm a newbie. So I started to create a simple questline.


I created a questplot with different stages (0, 10, 20 currently). If the quest is accepted it will be forwarded to stage 10 and start another quest as a hidden sidequest (The sidequest will be a cycling quest and eventually forward the main quest to stage 20). At stage 10 in the main quest the player will be given a specific body armor.


Now my idea is that the player has to equip this piece of armor to continue the sidequest. And here comes my problem. Whatever I do I can't manage to get a successful equipment check.


My tries so far



if (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(_APPS_PlayerNeedsThis) == true)
 SetStage 11

I set this script under the QuestStage Tab. I also tried to create a QuestAlias and work with .GetReference(). Didn't worked also.


Next try



if(Game.GetPlayer(),GetItemCount(_APPS_PlayerNeedsThis) >= 1)
 if (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(_APPS_PlayerNeedsThis) == true)
  SetStage 11


also under the QuestStage tab. It does not work. I also tried to make it work in the Dialogue Editor under the Papyrus Fragment Begin section which also failed.


So currently I'm helpless and don't know how to make it work. I did alot of research but I did not found any useful guide which guides through such challenges.


What would help me? Well, first if you could tell me a mod, which does exactly that, it would help. I could examine this in the CK and learn what solutions the author of that mod has. Also, what would be really helpful, if you can explain me what I'm doing wrong and give me a hand to solve my problem.


English is not my first language, so I'm sorry in advance if it causes problems to illustrate my problem.





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There is a main game quest that requires you to wear something to progress, its the thalmor party quest for delphine that requires wearing the party outfit, I've forgotten the name to it, but that's the only instance of required apparel to complete quest objective I can think of.

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