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Stardew Valley

Save file editing to remove "Befriend Marlon and Gunther" mod by Yoshimax


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I'm completely new to modding and save file editing but it's going to be required to fix what deleting this mod broke.

Let me start by saying, I initially downloaded this mod specifically to befriend Marlon but I discovered other mods that I would like to try out that may work more seamlessly. When Marlon walks left or right on the map his front facing sprite walks from side to side like a crab or disappears entirely instead replaced with a white box. As for Gunther, I've only noticed it when he's walking passed Lewis's house headed to the bar, his sprite comes in and out of existence. These issues break the emmersive experience that is SDV. Marlon and Gunther still appear in the "Relationships" section of the menu and I removed the mod from my folder, however now Gunther is gone from behind the counter at the museum.


Others have complained of similar issues with this mod, but unfortunately there's no guide how to fix it.

If you have removed this mod, I could really use some guidance. I've downloaded Notepad++ and I've backed up my save file but I'm still nervous to attempt changing anything in the code without some sort of idea where to start.


Thanks in advance.


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