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I don't know if a mod like this exists ( I highly doubt one does ), however I think it would be cool if there was a mod that allowed people to become dismembered and still be alive (at least for a little while).


Imagine blowing off someones right arm and their only options are to either try and fist fight you or run or perhaps it could be made that they can still use 1 handed weapons in but hold them in their left hand. Destroying their left arm would result in a similar similar situation.


Legs being destroyed obviously would stop the target from moving (or maybe allow them to crawl), but they would still be able to shoot. Once an arm or leg is destroyed the targets health slowly drains until they die. I honestly have no idea if any of this would be possible to make.



Also I started thinking if enemies can get limbs blown off why not the player himself. You would be put under similar conditions as the enemy when you lose a limb, if you are still alive. Accept the player could acquire an item like a surgical needle that could not be used if enemies are around that if you have high enough medical skill could be used to reattach limbs. Of course since your health is draining it would have to be don e quickly.


Also maybe someone like Zimmerman or Moria would be able to sell you android or robotic limbs for the player which could be repaired with high repair skill ( for those players who don't like to go with the med skill).

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Actually I imagine this would be completely possible. The code already exists for removing limbs, it just has to be allowed to trigger without a critical hit death - ideally when the limb is crippled. That way if their left arm doesn't work they don't keep holding the friggin' Minigun dammit put it down you brute!


However, you'd want some new animations to accommodate the missing limbs. Seeing a Super Mutant limp on a leg he hasn't actually got anymore would be pretty odd.


On the flip side, I imagine the reason that limbs only come off on death is that once a limb is gone, what've you got left? Run away and bleed to death, or take a couple more hits and be dead anyway. Saves a lot of hassle if they just die.

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Thanks for the link, I searched for dismemberment and stuff and never seemed to find that.


Also although you could say its a lot of hassle for someone to run away and bleed to death I think that the cool factor of it outweighs that not to mention they can still be a threat after a limb is gone. Also maybe you could give NPC's the ability to reattach them as well, but that seems a little pointless.


Also my robotic/android limb idea you could also give a melee/hand to hand or even accuracy bonus when using more expensive models.

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Actually I imagine this would be completely possible. The code already exists for removing limbs

As I mentioned in the other thread, the dismemberment system already present in Fallout 3 can't be used to create "living dismemberment" without some pretty severe bugs. Having functions that can dynamically alter BodyPart and BodyPartData forms would help a lot, but I'm still not convinced that it's possible to do without using a pseudo-dismemberment system involving apparel that makes limbs appear to be dismembered, much like was done in SkyCaptain's Deadly Reflex for Oblivion.



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