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Imperial Helmet Clipping Fix Tips


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The Famous Imperial Helmet Clipping.

Happens at a distance of 5 IN-Game meters or so.


Conditions: Looking from the Side over the Ears and at the Forehead for Female Officers Helmet.


Mods Affecting them: Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures

Critical Mods for Bug Fixes used: USSEP

There is also no ENB in play here. Only Cathedral Weathers. Enabled/ Disabled no difference.


Tried WACCF Didn't help so i suppose it isn't a Form Version issue or WACCF simply doesn't fix that so i use WACCF Lite now.


Any tips appreciated, Google hasn't been helpfull for me or anyone at all. Not even Reddit.


Similar issue had happened in the past with NordWar UA armor helmets and beards when i was using it.

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