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As title suggests I d like to know If simeone would like to create a Hunting Season Mod.


These are the starting point of the mission.





West of Colter & North of Baccus Bridge

Hunting for wolf/bear


West Elizabeth

Northwest of Strawberry & Tall Trees

Hunting for Rams/Deer


New Austin

East of Lake Don Julio & Cholla Springs

Hunting for buffalo


At the starting spot above the player could be able to hire 2 hunters (bodyguards) and get a hunting wagon.


The aim of the mission would be getting 5/10 pelts in a certain amount of days.

(Numbers are just for example)


Player should camp at night with the other 2 guys and go hunting during daytime.


The mission should have a time limit of 5 days to make this more inmersive like an Hunting Trip.

Once you got enough pelts player can go back to the beginning spot and sell everything for big money.


In my opinion to not get crazy quality pelts should not matter unless it is broken or burned.(Good and Perfect)


I had this idea from the first scenes of The Revenant with L.Di Caprio (seen 2 week ago).


Contact me for more details and info if you are interested of making it.

Thanks in advance



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