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The Empire of Calradia - A Mount&Blade RP


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Welcome to the discussion thread for The Empire of Calradia. Here, roleplayers may post their character sheets, put up pics of their characters, discuss the RP, and handle any other OOC (out of character) business.

*There should be no OOC posts in the RP thread itself.*


The Empire of Calradia is an RP based in the Mount&Blade universe, where bands of adventurers come together to take advantage of this torn land. Calradia is a single continent split by warfare and ruled by petty lords and power-mad kings. The main group starts as a recently formed rebel faction that has been beset on all sides by hardship. Their King slain, their army beaten back to only two fortresses, the remaining stragglers must decide whether or not to continue the fight to conquer the continent, or give up and join with the original kingdoms in their constant struggle for power.

The Kingdoms:


Map of Calradia


Our Holdings






The Kingdom of Swadia (orange) - the oldest faction, the Kingdom of Swadia claims the central portion of Calradia, which encompasses vast green countryside and thick forests. Swadians are tough and capable warriors, their most formidable fighters being the famed Swadian Knights. Few foot soldiers can stand against the power of these mighty cavalrymen. To back up their horsemen, Swadians also employ decent infantry and archers.


The Kingdom of Rhodoks (blue) – A breakaway faction from Swadia, Rhodoks claims the western portion of the continent. It is a very small kingdom with mountainous terrain and forests. They have no cavalry and middling infantry, though their Sharpshooters are forces to be reckoned with. A handful of Rhodok crossbowmen can hold a single castle against hundreds of men.


The Kingdom of the Nords (yellow) – consisting of raiders from a distant land, the kingdom of the Nords lies on the northern coast of Calradia. Like Rhodoks, they have no cavalry, but their Huscarls more than make up for that with their strength, ferocity, and ability to use throwing axes. Decent archers are also employed.


The Kingdom of Vaegirs (green) – another breakaway faction, Vaegirs has a moderate all-round army of cavalry, infantry, and archers. Vaegir Knights can stand their ground fairly well, but are not as resilient as Swadian Knights. Their holding is the snowy tundra in the east.


The Khergit Khanate (purple) occupying the vast steppes to the south, the Khergit Khanate rivals Swadia for land control. Their strength lies in hordes of horse archers and lancers. Remove horses from the equation, and the Khanate is weak…their castles fall easily to heavier armies like those of Swadia.


***The Kingdom of Numak (our holdings - grey)*** - this is the RP rebel faction. They have been pushed back to Chalbek and Curin Castles, along with the villages of Aldelen and Haen, wedged in the northwestern portion of the map. Their immediate threat is the Kingdom of the Nords, though Rhodoks could easily be provoked to the south. Their army consists of groups of soldiers from all factions – each castle has about 100 men.


Method of Currency = Denars



Here are some general guidelines that should be followed when posting in The Empire of Calradia, originally made by Lisnpuppy.


1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.


2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.


3) Start with a well-made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.


4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.


5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.


6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.


7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.

For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.

Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.

This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.


8 ) Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.


9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!


10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


A few more rules to add:


11) Kings/Queens are not allowed. If they appear at all, I will control them.


12) No teleportation. It doesn’t exist in Calradia.


13) No strong sexual content. Just because your character/characters are in a relationship it doesn't mean that everyone wants to read what they are doing in their private time.


14) You are limited to TWO main characters. Side characters are allowed, but they must be in and out very quickly...no becoming a permanent part of the story.


Additionally, it is important (not to mention courteous) to take turns posting. If you are waiting on a roleplayer to interact with you, and they have not posted in a few days, PM them...they may be busy or may have simply forgotten that it was his or her turn to post. Please be considerate.

Character Sheet Guide







Physical Description:


Nation of Origin (Swadia, Rhodok, foreigner, etc.):


Fighting Style (horseback, sword-and-board, archer, etc.):


Equipment and Clothing:




Reason for Joining Rebel Faction:

All sheets must be approved before you can join.

When you are approved, you can head on over here.

Have fun! :D

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Name: Claressa of Kelredan


Gender: Female


Age: 32


Physical Description: Claressa is of average height and weight, with a round face and upturned nose. Her skin is fair, and she has blue eyes and straight brown hair that is always pulled into a ponytail. She has seen many a battle and imprisonment, and this shows on her face in the form of a myriad of small thin scars and a weathered countenance.


Nation of Origin (Swadia, Rhodok, foreigner, etc.): Swadia


Fighting Style (horseback, sword-and-board, archer, etc.): Mostly on horseback, though she can fight on foot. She is unafraid of plowing straight into enemy lines with weapon swinging. During sieges, she excels at sharpshooting from the walls when defending and picking off archers from towers when attacking.


Equipment and Clothing: Full suit of plate armor, a winged great helm, a shield depicting a white rearing unicorn on a purple field; weapons are a tempered bastard sword and a light crossbow; horse is a heavily-armored bay charger. Out of armor, she wears a simple blue tunic and brown breeches.








Background: Claressa started as a mercenary in the Kingdom of Swadia, though she eventually tired of King Harlaus's sexism and allied herself with the Kingdom of the Nords. There, she rose to power as an influential Lady, leading a significant band of men against the enemies of the Nords. She managed to secure Kelredan Castle and the nearby village of Nomar as her fiefdom, and this she held for several years.


Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Unfortunately, the Kingdom of the Nords made the mistake of warring on all of the other factions at once, and Claressa lost her holdings in a week-long siege at Kelredan...her own 250 men against 2000. She held the fortress as long as possible, but it finally fell, and she was taken prisoner for several months. She never forgave King Ragnar for ignoring her plea for help, and so she decided to join the newly formed Kingdom of Numak in opposition to him. She is determined to take back Kelredan Castle and then some...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Name: Monksley-on-Harwich


Gender: Male


Age: 46


Physical Description: Monksley is roughly 6 feet tall and physically fit. He also has a short black/grey beard.


Nation of Origin: Foreigner.


Fighting Style: Archer


Equipment and Clothing: Often wears chaimail with a blank tabbard over and leather bound boots. His bow and quiver are tied to his back and has a shortsword in a scabbard tied to his belt.


Background: Monksley-on-Harwich was born on the battlefield. Both of his parents were fighting in a war on a another continent. As a boy he started learning how to use a bow and arrow. During his early adulthood, all the way into his late 30's, Monksley has tried to work as an archer for all of the kindoms, but he didnt like it.


Oh and he likes to drink a lot as well. There have been many cases where he's been drunk on the battlefield and suprisingly still managed to get a kill or two (whether said kills were enemies or not, is not important)


Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: In his own words: "The other kingdoms are full of arseholes!"

Edited by spyro1201
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Name: Tanis (no surname)

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Physical Description: Medium height and brown of hair, Tanis has a rather boyish face that makes him look much younger than he truly is, not the rugged look that most men strive for his looks haven't earned him any respect from most hardened soldiers, thinking him to be a flamboyant fop that would faint at the sight of blood.

Nation of Origin (Swadia, Rhodok, foreigner, etc.): From an island nation in the far west.

Fighting Style (horseback, sword-and-board, archer, etc.): Is a bit of a jack of all master of none, but regardless of where's he's fighting, it's always with reckless abandon making it a miracle that he hasn't died yet.

Equipment and Clothing: It all depends on the nature of the battle really, he may decide to wear padded leather and use a crossbow one day, then the next don some platemail and jump on a horse while wielding a claymore overhead.

Background: Keeping himself to himself, Tanis doesn't talk much about his live back home, when asked about his home he makes the odd statement of "Aye, It's my island!" This statement has left many to wonder if he's some banished prince, but most agree that he's just messing with people as he is fond of making up stories.

Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: "Long story short there were these lord's daughters that were particularly fond of me... and there may have been an incident involving me walking away with some Denars that weren't mine.... that happennnned... a lot, you see and... well the important thing is... I can't betray youuuu caaaause no one else will hire me anymore."

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Name: Beowulf Gurnisson


Gender: Male


Age: 27


Physical Description: Tall, with broad shoulders and long blonde hair, he has pale skin with Nordic runes tattooed along the right side of his body.


Nation of Origin: Kingdom Of The Nords


Fighting Style: Axe and Shield


Equipment and Clothing: Houscarl's shield with a long axe and throwing axes. He wears a set of heavy fur armor with a metal gut plate across his abdomen, on the plate is the symbol of their family, a massive wolf with gaping jaws and rows of teeth.


Background: The elder of the two Gurnisson Brothers, Beowulf and his brother Hroar sailed the vast oceans as Sea Raiders for most of their life, they learned the trade of war upon the decks of longboats and merchant ships, eventually Beowulf and Hroar left the seas and returned to their homeland, there they became mercenaries, fighting on battle fronts across Calradia.


Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Lots of Denars.


Name: Hroar Gurnisson


Gender: Male


Age: 27


Physical Description: Shorter then his brother by a foot but broader, his hair is short and dark but he is missing his left eye. Like his twin he possesses Nordic Runes tattooed onto his body but mirrored to his left side.


Nation of Origin Kingdom Of The Nords


Fighting Style Two handed War-Sword


Equipment and Clothing: His massive War-Sword, Freya and a dagger in his boot. He wears a identical set of armor as his brother but instead of white his is black.


Background: The youngest of the Gurnission Brothers, He is known for his hot-temper where as his brother is known for his cool head in battle, together they form a mighty pair of warriors often seen on a battlefield back-to-back and surrounded by corpses.


Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Lots of Denars

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Name: Nikov of Slezkh

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Physical Description: Tall and built like a haggard bear, Nikov stands an imposing figure at just over 6 feet in height. He is well-muscled, thin-yet-toughened cords of muscle in a solid frame. He has thick, shaggy black hair down to his neck, pale skin, and icy-blue eyes. His face is well-worn and wind-burnt, with a partially-kept beard.

Nation of Origin: Vaegir

Fighting Style: Nikov, like most Vaegir, is well-practiced in multiple combat disciplines, ranging from maces and hammers to swords and bows, on foot and on horseback. Though not a master of any particular weapon (Nikov prefers to spend more time in a smithy than on the battlefield), he is still an experienced opponent.

Equipment and Clothing: When fighting, Nikov wears a simple, unadorned breastplate, opting for a blend of protection and mobility. Weapon-wise, he often has multiple weapons at hand, a short bow that offers a good cross of power and range for ranged combat, and a long sword for melee, along with a shortspear and his smithy hammer. Beyond this, he always wears leather leggings and a long-sleeved shirt and tunic stained with dust.

Background: Nikov was a smith of some skill in the town of Slezkh in the Vaegir Kingdom, and occasionally fought as well in its defense. Despite being of low birth, the smith was well-respected for his courage, duty, and skill (and notorious pragmatism). He was forced to flee, however, after a particular incident which he speaks only little of (something involving a certain woman and a discourteous nobleman) and went west.

After his exile, Nikov eventually came to the kingdom of Numak, where he found a place where he could work his craft without complaint and be given at least some respect (or at the very least, some decent food and pay) with little worry about incompetent nobles.

Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Fleeing persecution, job security, food & pay

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Welp, here's my sheet. Checked most of it beforehand with ya, Auri, so he should be okay XD gonna likely make a second character to oppose this one.


Name: Cameron


Gender: Male


Age: 28


Physical Description: Cameron is somewhat tall, standing at five foot eleven, with a shock of jet-black hair and steely blue eyes. He's not the burliest knight that ever lived and often resembles a raven in some respects, but he is strong enough to make the cut. He is fair-skinned, with a long nose and thin, pale lips.


Nation of Origin (Swadia, Rhodok, foreigner, etc.): Swadia


Fighting Style (horseback, sword-and-board, archer, etc.): Being a former Knight of Swadia, Cameron is easily at his best when he's on horseback with a sturdy spear or a lance, with a standard, spike-tipped mace kept on his hip should it be needed. If caught on foot he's still a formidable foe, but not nearly as much as he would be on horseback. He's also proficient with swords both short and long and can wield an axe in an emergency, but he fires a bow or crossbow with abysmal accuracy. Giving him such weapons will simply be a burden. In addition, his upbringing left him little in the way of social skills and, while a capable thinker and planner, lacks the charisma to inspire or lead even a small number of troops to perform anything more than a mundane task, meaning that he won't be able to lead charges from the battlefield or keep an army's morale up, leaving him unfit to command his own.


Equipment and Clothing: Typical Swadian Knight equipment. He carries a large knight's shield (kept on his back while on a horse.) with a spike-tipped mace for a devastating backup weapon. When in battle, he wears armor on the heavier side, with a sturdy great helmet protecting his head (though limiting his vision) and splintmail over his torso and legs, with thick leather steel-toed boots. Thinking on the practical side, he reinforced his boots, shins, and upper thighs with light steel plating to protect his mobility and femoral arteries. He does, however, take precautions to make sure he isn't accidentally identified as one of his former fellows and has removed the Swadian coat of arms from his shield and his armor, where applicable, and replaced it with Numak's, as well as darkened it so it's a deep steely gray color.


Background: Born into nobility, his father made sure to strictly train him in his youth to become a knight when he was older. When he met the minimum age requirements, he was shipped off to proper training. Because of his noble blood he wasn't required to spend decades in service to a proper knight and instead became one himself fairly early on, a process aided by his calculating tactical mentality and steely composure. After approximately a year or two, he found that he felt he was missing something, and deserted. He enlisted in the Kingdom of Numak's harried army, where he survived several light skirmishes and one major battle, the latter of which was a crushing defeat that he barely survived. Despite this, he has no intention of deserting, relishing the danger (Though he doesn't show it.) and feeling that here he felt a bit more...complete.


Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: Felt like he was missing something with the Swadians, feels useful amidst the rebels, where his talents are valued.

Edited by Flipout6
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