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Stargate Mod Ideas


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I have no modding experience but I been thinking about how a mod with xcom would work. What was the objective of Stargate Program. To attain new technology and the like and if anything there is a lot of it out there in the Stargate universe.


Now the idea of stargate is about exploration. Whats the best way to simulate that? The answer is simple the stargate themselves. Now how do we not overwhelm the player with choices on what to do what planets to gate too. You limit the amount of places to gate to until you reach a new chapter in which new gate addresses are available. ( Maybe have a research tree to open up special gate addresses as well.)


How would that work in game? I dont really see it as a galaxy map. But a list addresses to pick and a brief description from the malp. (Though considering it is a game... Probably be better if you were forced to research malp technology)


There are a lot of factions in the series. Enemies that advance and grow. Though not shown much but it does happen.


I think a good campaign would be up to the anubis arc.


Fighting system lords until a certain threshold has been reached and then bam anubis and his hax give the player a respite but soon give the player much more problems (most specifically Kull warriors and of coarse... those shown in the AR episode coming into fruition)


It would be a good idea to have some other enemies included most likely replicators. But I do enjoy the idea of a Aschen alliance or even the Gradosian's entering into the fray. But likely just fall down into different particle for weapons for them instead of going into more resources for them.


Well just some ideas capturing enemies researching technology and of coarse a lot of differing mission variety.

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