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Mermaids of the Lost city of Alantis


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I think someone should create a place you can go to underwater and mermaids/mermen live there.


i think it could start of townsfolk or guards talking about someone singing on a rock and un-describable bottom half. When you visit the mermaid she says about the mer-people of Atlantis and you could visit their city and there could be mermaids and mermen swimming and you can get mermaid/merman tail when ever you go into water as a gift from the mermaid and you can breath underwater as the tail is on

Edited by WizardJeremy
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Well taking physics into consideration you wouldn't be able to speak like normal underwater. Have you ever tried to talk underwater? Your voice is distorted and muffled. Essentially you lose air in your lungs too so once your breath is gone you wouldn't be able to speak.


However since magic exists in skyrim one you assume some creatures would have telepathy and maybe there's a way to teach it to the dragonborn, maybe via a special amulet.


As for combat, the Atlantis city could be in pressurized air domes enchanted with powerful magic that keeps the water out and makes the threshold absorb oxygen and expel excess carbon dioxide. If that was the way so,me one wanted to do it then the merpeople could maybe transform to having legs.

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I found an aquatic player race for your Atlantis Mod idea, they look like they would fit in just fine. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32893//? . . . Also this player race would fit in well as both of these races have waterbreathing abilities. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18015//?

Edited by Morgwynn
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