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Strange ShowBarterMenu Bug


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I have here a very strange bug


when i call the barter menu through a dialogue script

it shows the menu perfect and the bartering mechanics also work

BUT if i only buy something the caps get transfered but the bought item vanishes and never appear in my inventory


Additional info of how it should be


I talk to NPC X (X can be every npc)

this script calls a dummy NPC and uses his vendorchest


so i talk to a wastelander and choose this particular topic

[brter]Lets Trade

#the result script begin says

DummyNpcBarterChest.AddItem VendorList 1

And the result script end says

SetStage.BarterQuest 20

The Quest Stage result script says

SetStage.BarterQuest 10
Edited by Carnatics
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For the purpose of debugging, check what happens when you remove the line DummyNpcBarterChest.RemoveAllItems from the quest stage. Though I've never done anything of this sort (merchant NPCs), I suspect it could be the culprit. It may be a problem of timing - you may need to wait a few frames, after the transaction is complete, and only then call RemoveAllItems.

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For the purpose of debugging, check what happens when you remove the line DummyNpcBarterChest.RemoveAllItems from the quest stage. Though I've never done anything of this sort (merchant NPCs), I suspect it could be the culprit. It may be a problem of timing - you may need to wait a few frames, after the transaction is complete, and only then call RemoveAllItems.


sorry for my late answer

i was rebuild the whole thing ,now it works like a charm :)

btw your idea about the bug was right btw it is because there runs a single frame when you accept a trade

so all i did was the remove command in the begin line and the add command in the endline ;)

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