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Scroll Lock CTD


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I'm trying to use Auto Toggle Menu Screenshot, which uses Scroll Lock to hide the UI for screenshots. This used to work flawlessly until I tried it recently. Whenever I press scroll lock, my game crashes. This happens even when I change the mod to use a different key or have it disabled entirely. This sucks because even if I just want to take a screenshot without that mod, if I accidentally hit Scroll Lock which is right next to it, my game crashes. Anyone know what the culprit might be?

Edited by millenkyle
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no, I don't know. However, it's possible you have the hotkey assigned to more than one response, which could cause a CTD. If you can re-assign the hotkey for this feature, I'd recommend trying that to see if it helps/solves the issue, at least temporarily while you figure out what else that hotkey has glommed onto.

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