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Crashing at save game load


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Was playing last night, loading saves fine but in the end game crashed on me. It crashes from time to time, randomly with no warning. It's pretty infrequent so I think nothing of it. After it crashes I decided it was late anyway and went to bed. I wake up now and go to play and now when I try to load a save, any save, the game crashes while it's loading the save. I've had similar issues with a save not loading which I solve with starting a new game and then loading the save I want but that didn't work this time.


Yes, I do play with mods but considering it was working fine until now and I've made no changes to my mods that it's not an issue caused by the mods. I'm playing on my new rig, including a DX on it, but there shouldn't be any issues there. In a nut shell:

Win 8 x64



GeForce GTX 770


Any tips, tricks, or ideas I could try to get a save, any save, to load?

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