Murielkai Posted September 1, 2013 Share Posted September 1, 2013 I have everything installed correctly (as far as I know). I've used obge v2 in the past many times and made a shader list but this time I am using versiion 3 (latest) and am unsure if a list is needed. I was under the impression that the in game support does all the work...? My shader list file is there but currently empty. When I log into game and hit ~ I can see the shaders are loading but everytime I try to use the ingame support to "toggle" them on it only says "toggled off" over and over. If I need a shader list, where would I find a list of the correctly spelled shaders or an example of what to place inside the shaderlist file? Here is my obge ini, any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated, thank you. [DepthBuffer]bUseDepthBuffer=1bUseRAWZfix=1[Effects]bUseEffectList=1sEffectDirectory=data\shaders\sEffectListFile=data\shaders\shaderlist.txtbUseLegacyCompiler=0bOptimize=0bRenderHalfScreen=0bPurgeOnNewGame=0bNoShadersInMenus=0bTailEffects=0[screenBuffers]iBufferTexturesNumBits=0iBufferRawZDepthNumBits=0iReflectionMapSize=0iWaterHeightMapSize=0iWaterDisplacementMapSize=0iAutoGenerateMipMaps=2iBufferZDepthNumBits=0[serialization]bSaveData=1bLoadData=1[PluginInterOp]bEnableInterOp=0[General]bEnabled=1[shaders]bUseShaderOverride=1bUseLegacyCompiler=0bSaveShaderOverride=1bCompileSources=0bRuntimeSources=0bOptimize=0bMaximumSM=0bUpgradeSM1X=0sShaderOverrideDirectory=data\shaders\override\[Textures]bPurgeOnNewGame=0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
furnaps Posted September 2, 2013 Share Posted September 2, 2013 (edited) there is a setting to use the shader txt file or not in your .ini there the setting is the bUseEffectList=1 if you set it to 1 it uses the txt file, setting it to 0 turns off the .txt file being used.... I had the same issues I was trying to get the ingame menu to work , you are supposed to Shift+Click the shader in the ingame menu for it to activate but only some would work for me using that method... I decided to use the .txt file instead and make sure the setting in the ini file was set to use the text file after that and just put the shaders names I wanted in the text file and disabled the optional plugin for the ingame shader menu... The read me included should have a list of the shaders and what they do.. You basically put the filename of the shaders you want to use in the .txt file.. you put the shaders filename in the txt file one line for each one you want to use.. example if you want to use godrays you would put in the txt file: Godrays.fxCLICK THE SPOILER TAG BELOW TO SEE THE LIST OF SHADERS FROM THE README AND THERE NAMES FOR THE .TXT FILE <<<< The shaderlist is one of two ways to load new shaders into Oblivion, the other being through the use of the Support Plugin. Shaders listed in it will be loaded as static shaders, unable to be altered via scripts, or turned off and on. To load a shader in the shaderlist, do the following:In your OBGE.ini, located in your My Games\Oblivion folder, make sure that bUseEffectList is set equal to 1, so that its line reads: bUseEffectList=1. If it does not already exist, create a file named "shaderlist.txt" in your Oblivion\Data\Shaders folder. Make sure the file isn't called "shaderlist.txt.txt", you can avoid this by making Windows display file extensions. Open up your shaderlist.txt, and add to it the name of the shader file that you wish to load. Make sure to spell it exactly, and include the .fx extension.The order in which shaders in your shaderlist are applied is partially automatic. The different types of effects need to load in specific orders, eg. Ambient Occlusion effects need to load before Colour Effects shaders, and this is done automatically by OBGEv3 regardless of the order these effects are listed in your shaderlist. However, within these groups, the shaderlist order decides the order in which the shaders are loaded. If one colour effect is listed before another colour effect, the earlier colour effect will be applied first. If both colour effects are listed before an ambient occlusion effect though, the ambient occlusion effect will still be loaded first, as it is of a type that must be loaded earlier.Do not list non-OBGEv3 shaders in your shaderlist.txt. Such shaders may be used by other mods, and causing them to be loaded as static shaders will break them. OBGEv3 Standalone EffectsBelow is a list of all the shaders available from the OBGEv3 project on TES Nexus. The list does not include any shaders that may have been added since this readme was updated, or any shaders that are only available for download from the project's forum thread. Version numbers are taken from the version numbers within each shader file, and are not indicative of relative quality.Lighting EffectsGodrays (v4.2) - Godrays.fxBy vtastek. Adds shafts of light emanating from the sun. The effect is only seen at certain times of the day. This is a SM3 shader.Screen Space Indirect Illumination (SSII) - SSII.fxBy tomerk. Provides a form of Global Illumination that adds indirect lighting to the scene, simulating the reflection of light off coloured objects. This is a SM3 shader.Volumetric Screen Space Indirect Illumination - Volumetric_SSII.fxBy tomerk and Ethatron. Provides a form of Global Illumination that adds indirect lighting to the scene, simulating the reflection of light off coloured objects. This is a SM3 shader.Volumetric Screen Space Global Illumination - Volumetric_SSGI.fxBy tomerk and Ethatron. Provides a form of Global Illumination that adds indirect lighting to the scene, simulating the reflection of light off coloured objects. A merge of Volumetric SSAO & Volumetric SSII. This is a SM3 shader.Ambient Occlusion (AO) EffectsThese shaders use stylised lighting to add depth and contrast to the scene, mainly by shadowing recesses. Two types of AO shader are available: Horizon-Based AO (HBAO) and Screen Space AO (SSAO). These are all SM3 shaders.Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - ssao_test.fxBy HawkleyFox. Provides a medium quality AO effect, but has a large performance hit.Performance Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - ssao_perf.fxBy HawkleyFox. Provides a medium-low quality AO effect, with a medium performance hit.Ring Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - Ring_SSAO.fxBy tomerk and Ethatron. Provides a light, medium quality AO effect with a low performance hit.Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion - HBAO.fxBy tomerk and Ethatron. Provides the highest quality AO effect, but has a very large performance hit.Volumetric Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - Volumetric_SSAO.fxBy tomerk and Ethatron. Provides a high quality, accurate AO effect with a low performance hit.Depth of Field EffectsThese shaders optionally give a Depth of Field effect, progressively blurring objects with increasing distance from the focus point (what the crosshairs point at), or a Distance Blur effect, progressively blurring objects with increasing distance from the player.Crysis Depth of Field (v1) - CrysisDoF.fxConversion by WrinklyNinja. An adaptation for Oblivion of the Depth Of Field effect found in Crysis: Warhead. This is a SM3 shader.Depth of Field (v7) - DepthOfField.fxBy WrinklyNinja. Inspired by an ATI paper on DoF, with depth-based directional blurring.Hexagonal Bokeh Depth of Field - Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fxBy tomerk. A bokeh effect with a hexagonal blur shape and no distance blurring option. Vey high quality, but the largest performance hit. This is a SM3 shader.Circular Bokeh Depth of Field - Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fxBy tomerk. A bokeh effect with a hexagonal blur shape and no distance blurring option. Vey high quality, but the largest performance hit. This is a SM3 shader.Pseudo-Bokeh Depth of Field - Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fxConversion by tomerk. Originally a shader for MGE by Knu, ported and tweaked for OBGEv3. This is a SM3 shader. Colour EffectsBleach Bypass - HLSLbleachbypass.fxBy vtastek. Creates an effect with decreased saturation with increased contrast.Color Grading - HLSLColorGrading03.fxBy vtastek. Applies a subtle desaturation of average colour balance to the scene. This is a SM3 shader.Color Effects (v5) - ColorEffects.fxBy WrinklyNinja. Adds a variety of photoshop-like colour effects, including luminosity-dependent film grain, sepia, saturation/contrast/brightness alteration, gamma contrast/brightness alteration, colour inversion and blur highlighting. This is a SM3 shader.Crysis Color Mood (v0.2) - ColorMood.fxBy shadeMe. Tints the screen to alter the mood of the game, as seen in Crysis.ENB Color Effect (v2) - ENBColorEffect.fxConversion by WrinklyNinja. Originally a shader supplied with ENB Series for Oblivion, and adapted and optimised for OBGEv3, this alters the colour balance of the scene. Filter EffectsNormal Filter Anti-Aliasing - NormalFilterAA.fxBy Dracusis. Adds an AA effect to reduce 'jaggies' on the edges of objects. This is a SM3 shader.Morphological Line-Antialiasing - MLAA.fxBy kapaer. Adds an AA effect to reduce 'jaggies' on the edges of objects. This is a SM3 shader.Directional Localized-Antialiasing - DLAA.fxBy Ethatron. Adds an AA effect to reduce 'jaggies' on the edges of objects. This is a two-pass SM3 shader.Morphological Directional Localized-Antialiasing - MDLAA.fxBy Ethatron. A fusion of MLAA and DLAA, awesome. Optimized for speed. MLAA for foilage and hard breaks in depth, DLAA for smoothing out steep jaggies. This is a SM3 shader.FX-Antialiasing - FXAA.fxBy Ethatron. Adds an AA effect to reduce 'jaggies' on the edges of objects. This is a one-pass SM3 shader. Based on version 2, max. quality. Other EffectsCelShader+EdgeAA (v0.3) - CelShader+EdgeAA.fxBy shadeMe. Adds a cartoon-like black edge to objects, as seen in Borderlands, or smooths the edges of objects. This is a SM3 shader.Sharpen - obsharpen.fxBy vtastek. Sharpens the screen.Vignetting - HLSLvignette.fxBy vtastek. Applies a vignetting lens effect, desaturating and darkening the corners of the screen. Edited September 2, 2013 by furnaps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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