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Hidden costs of running triple monitor mode?


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I currently run Skyrim SE in single monitor mode, Playing for about 2-/12 going on three years I guess, if that matters. (ie, I'm not a 10 year vet of Skyrim)


My Windows (10) setup runs in dual monitor mode (legacy of years as an artist and engineer)


in addition, I have an idle third monitor (same model even) that served a recently deceased laptop, and a third video port in my tower, (that's running skyrim), that I *could connect up if it served a useful purpose.


I recently read about NVidia's "surround mode" (or revisited it anyway., I vaguely recall noticing it early on but never pursued it) for running multiple monitors for games.


Anyway. I'm just wondering if running in a triple monitor setup will negatively impact the game, ie in fps or something else.


Your thoughts/advise on triple monitor skyrim? Experience? caveats? (both in terms of performance or other problems it could cause, idk stressing the processor or power supply or video card whatever...), important tweaks, etc.


ELI5 if possible. I have basically zero experience with this sort of thing. And yes, I have done a bit of searching in the widenet. Most comes back as if made for people already familiar with using multiple monitors with games and overclocking and all the other gaming nuances I really never experienced in my previous pursuits.


Just to be clear, I'm not looking for someone to commit to writing a book for me and/or handholding me through the whole thing, (just so you know upfront you won't have to deal with that thread burden by posting, cough cough), just practical thoughts, considerations, experiences if you have them, one liners are fine, more if you like. I'm just trying to fill in a big blank space in my head on the subject before I proceed. So anything you can contribute would likely be helpful to me.


i7-9700K 4.7GHz 64G ram, NVidia 1060SC 6G - edit: regular air cooling, not liquid cooled or anything super special, in case that matters.


edited for content and typos


Oh PS> I'd either be using 5760 x 1080 or 1440 x 7680 Surround Triple Monitor Gaming for SkyUi 5.2 or Skyrim SE Surround in game. (edit: unless of course there's something better I don't know about)

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