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Can not cure disease


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My character has both Ataxia and rock joint. I have tried cure disease potions, shrines and extended sleeping. Both potions and shrines will not cure. Sleeping does not make a difference. I was earlier in the game able to cure diseases. Is there a console command that will remove the diseases.

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There IS a Cure Disease spell mod out there, if that's an option for you. If not, that's fine too.


As far as console commands go, player.removespell will do it, I think but you need to know the ref id(s) of the disease(s)




PS> for a list of diseases and their references, see https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Diseases_(Skyrim)

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np. The statement " I was earlier in the game able to cure diseases." concerns me a little though. If this condition persists, I'd recommend that you scan your modlist and revisit the mod-pages for which ever ones sound to you like they might have an effect over the ability to combat disease (maybe something like one of the survival mods, or a vampire mod, or ...?idk?), since it sounds like you've been effectively blocked from the normal avenues, by some code or another.

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Once you remove the diseases, get and wear the Necklace of Disease Immunity. You won't get any diseases again, and you can fight vampires, afflicted, and chaurus 'till the cows come home with no chance of contracting a disease. Works for me anyway. :devil:

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anjenthedog you and I where thinking along the same lines. I have a whole lot of companion mods. As it turns out one of them is a bit more than a stock mod. The npc has a shack near Ivarstead and is a healer that cures your ills.

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