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Unlootables bandits


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I have problems since few days:

I can't loot some bandits (not all), when they die they have no name and therefore unlootables...

I use lootification patch for share weapons and armors of others mods to npc's, ASIS patch for perks, spells and potion, and bashed patch. (and OBIS for the bandits)

Somebody can help me ?


here my load order:


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  • 3 years later...

I just got the same problem after going through a numourus of mod installments.


Although I can't say I know what's causing it or how to fix it, but when I open the console and slect the bandits, and type showinventory I get an error messedge about it being unable to read a JSON file in Data/vMYC



EDIT: NVM, the vMYC is fromt he mod familiar faces and didn't help disabling it.

Edited by JJ3c
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