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GRAH...broken summons, need to be fixed.


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Alright I searched for this and got no results, but then again the search engine in the forums isnt very reliable. So Plz dont flame if this is a repeated topic. Now I'm quite compident in the editor, but I have yet to find out the reason the summons added by tribunal and bloodmoon fail to work. I'm thinking it may be due to the spell effects which are...well unchangable and that sucks...but if theres a way to fix these spells plz, Share your thoughts.
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The problem is, this problem persists plugins or not, even before I added plug ins it was a problem...They just never worked, Period. These spells include "Summon Bone wolf", "Summon Wolf", "Summon Bear" (Aka Call Wolf, Call Bear) as well as the summon fabricant spells. The animation plays and the spell effect shows as normal but...theres no creature...it just like poofs or something... So the spell is just basically a "Hey Dont I look Pretty doing this pose" spell....with a duration..
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Actually What I did, which shouldnt have much bearing on it was, Installed Morrowind, Installed Morrowind Patch, Installed Tribunal, Installed Tribunal Patch, Installe BloodMoon, Followed by, guess what, its patch, but maybe they have a new patch up I'm gonna check it out, doubt it though. Does it work for you? Meh feel free to IM me on aim if ya have it, RndVarX is the sn.
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